Another Blow to Harvard (How Much is it To Go There?) – IOTW Report

Another Blow to Harvard (How Much is it To Go There?)


Another major figure at Harvard is facing accusations of plagiarism. Khalid Shah, a Harvard Medical School professor who serves as vice chair for research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Department of Neurosurgery, is accused of falsifying data and taking research images from other papers and the websites of scientific vendors without proper attribution. He allegedly “presented images from other scientists’ research as his own original experimental data,” per the Harvard Crimson. Elisabeth Bik, a microbiologist and science integrity consultant, began investigating Shah’s work after a former lab worker complained about “sloppiness,” she tells the Boston Herald. “They said people in the lab felt encouraged to give the principal investigator particular results.

In a Thursday blog post, Bik claimed she’d found problems, including blots and images manipulated or duplicated from previous work by Shah, in 28 of his papers dating back to 2001. But she said one paper from 2022, of which Shah is one of 33 authors, served as a particularly egregious example. The study, which described a novel strategy for treating glioblastomas in mice, had copied 12 panels from unrelated papers, three panels from scientific vendors, and one panel from a paper by the same authors, Bik said, per the Herald. One image appears to be an exact copy of an image of an antibody found in a 2018 catalog entry for R&D Systems, a company which manufactures antibodies for scientific research, but the study authors allegedly claim it’s a different antibody, per the Crimson.


11 Comments on Another Blow to Harvard (How Much is it To Go There?)

  1. When I was in the Pepperdine MBA program, more than 20 years ago, Harvard Business School was in the news because they got a new president. In his opening speech he said ‘Our product isn’t any better than the other guys. We aren’t giving a superior education to our MBA students.’ Of course that was a lead-in to his efforts to improve the coursework. But the reality is that the cachet in having a Harvard degree is that you were qualified enough to get ACCEPTED to the school. It didn’t matter if your education wasn’t better, you had already proved you were exceptional because they admitted you. And employers knew this. Well none of that is true anymore. Harvard education is no longer superior, the students are no longer superior, and other than the old-boy network, employers are no longer as interested.

  2. I certainly hope this idiot hasn’t graduated from mice brains to humans.

    Maybe instead of investigating plagiarism, they should try and find out if *any* research papers are actually original works with accurate references.

  3. In Defense o’ Plajaizm & Shiat

    De latust ting da honkies be bitching ’bout be plajaizm. Plajaizm be some made-up crackah word meaning you copy some othah nigga’s writin’ off as you own shit. Well, duh!… How you gonna get a Pee Each Dee & shit without doing just that? Shiiiiiaaat. Ebbyone knowz dee white man stole all he ideas from the black man! All o’ it!… We dun built ebbyting too! Dee white man nebber landed on dee moon. Wakanda did! I saw it in a movie & shiat yo, and dat prube it & shiaaat. Plajaizm jus’ mean we takin’ our shit back!

    Q.E.D. mathahfakkkahs!

    Dr. Quanteesha Finazzbutay, Pee Each Dee

  4. Hmmm … “treating glioblastomas in” … Beau Biden?

    Seems about time for “The Big Guy” to sit up and take note.

    A glioblastoma had MOAR to do with Beau’z death than Iraq.

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