Another case of lefties talking one way and acting another – Biden Boasts About Supporting Equal Pay – IOTW Report

Another case of lefties talking one way and acting another – Biden Boasts About Supporting Equal Pay

Biden runs around on the stump saying he supports equal pay, meanwhile it’s being reported that his female Senate staffers averaged 67% of men’s pay for almost 4 decades.

FreeBeacon- A Free Beacon analysis of spending reports covering Biden’s full Senate tenure found that he never achieved gender pay equity. Over the course of Biden’s time in the Senate, women on average earned just 67 cents for each dollar earned by men.

Daily Wire –

 (Biden) bragged on Twitter, “Vice President Biden has fought for women’s rights his whole career: ✓Wrote the Violence Against Women Act ✓Co-sponsored the Equal Rights Amendment 9 times ✓Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act: 1st Obama-Biden bill signed into law ✓Co-sponsored the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.”

In 2012, Biden castigated Paul Ryan, then the GOP candidate for vice-president, saying, “Ryan voted against the Lilly Ledbetter act, which all it said, all Lilly Ledbetter said, was if a woman finds out she’s been treated wrongly, cheated in terms of her salary and benefits at work, then she’s able to sue from the moment she finds out.”


Biden should have been sued.

5 Comments on Another case of lefties talking one way and acting another – Biden Boasts About Supporting Equal Pay

  1. Most Leftist issues being promoted by Democrats are not the result of believing in and practicing them but are just lip service rhetoric intended to deceive and gain support from the gullible.


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