Another Case Of TB in San Diego – IOTW Report

Another Case Of TB in San Diego

KOGO: A case of tuberculosis that may have exposed others has been reported.

This case was reported at the San Diego Continuing Education’s Mid-City Campus,

That’s according to the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency, which is working with San Diego Community College officials to notify individuals who were possibly exposed to tuberculosis on the campus from Feb. 3 to April 17.

“Most people who are exposed to TB do not develop the disease,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer.

“But when it does occur, it can be treated and cured with medication; that’s why it’s important to identify those who have been exposed.”

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6 Comments on Another Case Of TB in San Diego

  1. It wouldn’t be so bad if the only people who came down with TB were the idiots on the left who think open borders is a great idea. Never seems to happen that way though.

  2. How can this happen? The stars align funny?
    Wrinkle in the space-time continuum?
    Don’t make no sense – with ObolaCare in place and Moonbeam as Governator.
    Next thing ya know, people’ll be getting the grippe, or dyin of the flux!

    It wobbles the mind!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The story is trying it’s best to play down the danger. TB comes is several forms. The story fails to mention whether the strain is an mdr-tb (multiple drug resistant) type which is resistant to the usual first line therapy and can take up to two years with multiple drugs to cure. I wonder who pays for that. It should also be noted that the cure rate hovers around 70% and the person has to stay isolated during treatment. I wonder where these patient zero’s are coming from? It certainly isn’t from legal immigration because TB is one of the thing they test for.

  4. Good point SCR_North. In mexico (and other turd-world countries), antibiotics are, for the most part, unregulated, and available OTC. People take them for everything, and stop when they start feeling better (but while some of the the “bugs” causing the infection are still alive, this id the reason we have drug-resistant diseases in our country today. The left is literally killing us.

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