Another Case Of Violence Against Asians, This Time In Houston – IOTW Report

Another Case Of Violence Against Asians, This Time In Houston

Gateway Pundit

Two women were arrested and charged for violently attacking a Korean beauty store owner in north Harris County.

Daquiesha Williams and Keaundra Young punched business owner Jung Kim in the face, leaving her bloodied with a broken nose last week.

Jung Kim said the break is so bad that she needs surgery to fix her nose. More

20 Comments on Another Case Of Violence Against Asians, This Time In Houston

  1. Imagine spending money week after week at a beauty place and coming out looking like those two. Of course, you’d be irate.

    Perhaps more time at the gym would provide a better foundation for the applying the beauty goods.

  2. The two women that did the attack later went on the local news to say that they were being racially profiled by the owner which caused them to react. Even though they got caught red handed on camera, they’re still the victim.

  3. In my experience many black people get along with most everyone. My inclination is the ones that don’t have been conditioned by decades of Democrat critical theory masquerading as “anti-racism” programs to hate. No different than any other group in which their bullshit resonates in in which the Democrats gain critical mass and are given free reign to implement their vision within.

  4. I have the utmost respect for Koreans.

    Both my kids are on 3rd deg. Teakwondo Black belts.

    Their food is Amazing and the people are solid & hard working.

    The media will never tell the truth and therefore society will never improve itself.


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