Another Entitled Libtard Mouths Off During Police Stop – IOTW Report

Another Entitled Libtard Mouths Off During Police Stop

She goes from insulting and cocky to bargaining and apologies to, you guessed it—> racism.

daily mail-

The charges were dropped because Palm Beach County State Attorney said there was only enough evidence to arrest Salley – not enough to convict her.

She returned to work at WPBF-Channel 25 after a two-month leave and apologized for her treatment of the officers, but maintained her innocence.

ht/ cynic

21 Comments on Another Entitled Libtard Mouths Off During Police Stop

    They just don’t seem to be trained how to interact with the public.

    🔹Why are you talking to me in a condescending tone?
    –People are NOT happy to be pulled over. It’s expected that they will act bitchy and irritated.

    🔹Is that how you speak to people?
    –Escalating and irritating.

    🔹That was a very racist comment.
    –another unnecessary comment that he should have ignored.

    🔹 He arrests her because she is being a bitch, not that she is showing signs of impairment.

    AS FOR HER…..
    🔺 Yep, she’s a dummy, tried to use pussy-privilege and a quivering lip to get out of trouble, her job, community street cred, she has a big mouth and called him bald, oh and driving with her lights off is also a pretty strong indication something is wrong.

    1. If you are a cop, you have to put up with people that don’t like tickets and being arrested. There is shit, piss, vomit, snot, spit, blood, and tons of other stuff, it’s part of the job. Save your money, and go back to college for a better job.

    2. If you are pulled over, being a smart ass doesn’t help your situation.

    Is that fair? Am I parenting both sides correctly here? I think that was pretty fair actually.

  2. I’ve never felt like being pulled over whenever it happened to me either. Can I get a refund of my fines or do I have to whip up tears also?

  3. Chances are she may have been able to drive off if she had just been polite and thankful to the cop for letting her know about the lights at the outset…. but she wuz impaired… and entitled.

  4. Wow, the evidence needed to arrest is much different than the evidence needed to convict! So you can be arrested all day every day but may never be convicted! makes sense!

  5. Mouthing off to a cop is a sure way to guarantee he’s going to break it off in your ass. He might have been inclined to cut her some slack if she had just not acted so aloof and snotty. I hate to see her career and life ruined because she let alcohol fog her judgement but some people learn the hard way.

  6. Back in the 80’s…..

    When I spotted a car with no lights on at night…..especially around closing time…..

    I was 99.99% sure that I had a DUI driver.

  7. I suspect that Mithandir had his (her) licence suspended several times due to a heavy foot, that, or he mouthed off himself to the cops and got what was coming to him.

    The cops in this video did nothing wrong, they were polite, professional, and calm.

    I also suspect that the reason charges were not filed against her for DUI was because the results of the Breathalyzer test were below that which is necessary for a violation, that is why the DA’s office said there was evidence to arrest but not convict.

  8. Figures this dumb black racist bint was a news reader (communist propaganda hack)who is also a lesbian. Why are the vast majority of lesbians such bitter, unhappy, and above all rage filled persons.

    She/he should have been jailed and fired, period.

  9. @BFH
    Agree completely, she was acting and speaking like she was impaired at the least. The law doesn’t require a driver to be completely inebriated to justify an arrest.

  10. She was slurring her speech from the very beginning and continued through the whole stop.

    To miss purposely ignore that is amazing typical of you, Mith.

  11. Sheesh

    Mith, if that officer let that woman drive away with all that on video and she hit and killed someone in your family, would you be singing the praises of the cop?

    She seemed quite drunk, judging by her slurred speech and demeanor. He said he smelled alcohol on her breath.

    Dealing with drunks SUCKS! I hated every minute of those encounters. But cops are in a no win with that. You have to arrest if you have probable cause. You have to. No choice….

  12. Us honkies were taught not to lip off to cops, because a pissed-off cop can come up with more and more infractions, such as using a billy club to point out (forcefully) that your right tail light is (SMASH) broken, “I’ll have to write you up for that as well. Shall we look at your left tail light, or will you keep a civil tongue in your head?”

    Minimize you fine by saying “Yes, Sir” and “No, Sir” to the nice officer, idiot.

    Oh, and don’t disrespect the people who handle your food and drink when you’re not looking, either. Duh!


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