Another ‘Free’ Government Service – IOTW Report

Another ‘Free’ Government Service

American Thinker: Sen. Elizabeth Warren says taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for tax software.

elizabeth warren hand to face

She has the support of other liberal Democrats. She has introduced a bill that would require the IRS to make available a “free” online filing option to some taxpayers. She doesn’t mention that taxpayers will have to pay for the development and continuing maintenance of this system through higher taxes. So it won’t be free.

Rather it will be a system the cost of which is hidden in the fine print of the federal budget. Never mind that TurboTax and other software companies now offers a no-cost option for a majority of taxpayers. Sen. Warren says TurboTax keeps it secret: a secret known only to the 3 million people who use it and to millions of others who know about it but choose not to use it.  more here

23 Comments on Another ‘Free’ Government Service

  1. …taxpayers will have to pay for the development and continuing maintenance of this system through higher taxes. So it won’t be free.

    Not to mention: it will take years to create, cost 10x original estimage, have a user interface from Byzantium, have screens where it will take longer to enter the required fields than the session time-out, and will most importantly have lots of security flaws so that our friends in China, Romania, Belarus, India, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, and Russia get automatic real-time updates of the full data base (unencrypted).

  2. What a splendid idea!
    Instead of forms and software and accountants our government does us the favor of figuring out what you get to keep, oops, owe.
    What could possibly go wrong?

  3. I do not enter any financial or sensitive personal data online unless I have to. That includes using free tax preparation services, etc. I always assume that once you have put something on the Internet, it can and will be stolen, and history seems to bear this out.

    But that’s just me.


  4. My neighbor alerted me to a free tax filing service offered by AARP, staffed by volunteers. She has used it for several years, and I took advantage of it this year. I was quite satisfied and will use this in the future.
    Membership in AARP is not required.

    This year I owed a total of $13.00, due to penalty for no health plan.

    Thanks, barry.

  5. I thought that not only TurboTax but wasn’t / isn’t there a free IRS online tax filing tool too? Already?

    Regardless, when Trump is president he’s going to completely redo the tax code and there won’t be a need for tax software.

  6. After WWII, the Labour Party gained control of Parliament, and began to add government social programs to restore the infrastructure and ruined economy.
    Churchill, no longer the Prime Minister, became the leader of the Opposition.
    His remark was that the fastest growing part of the economy were the various new bureaucracies.

  7. “Sen. Elizabeth Warren says taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for tax software.”

    I shouldn’t have to pay for my own bullets, either. How about a government program to pay for my INDIVIDUAL constitutional right to keep and bear arms?

    Redistribute some of that liberal taxation and buy me some ammo?

  8. “Sen. Elizabeth Warren says taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for tax software.”

    Next, they’ll offer to eliminate the need for payroll taxation by “offering” to just pay us directly from the government.

    Because they love us so much.

  9. Poor Fauxcahontas. An appeals court is indicating that her baby, the misnamed “Consumer Finance Protection Agency,” or some such BS, was unconstitutionally implemented and should be dissolved! Bawney Fwank was strong on that travesty as well.

  10. I would never use the services of those bastards at the AARP. Fortunately, when it comes to income taxes, there are lots of alternatives for free tax filing. Needless to say, Lizzy Warren is a moron.

  11. @ Uncle Al….the Feds could have the IRS place it on the Clinton Cartel servers in the basement of the Clinton Cartel Compound ….well proven by Hittlery to be safer than anything in DC / sarc off. And if it looks like there has been a leak …trust Hittlery to have the whole server installation wiped clean with no incriminating evidence of malfeasance having been there….don’t you just love how the Clinton Cartel (aka Foundation and Global Initiative) handles things? Don’t forget also the malevolent offspring of Hittlery and Slick Willie is in charge now…rest easier, eh?

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