Another Great Dad – IOTW Report

Another Great Dad

12 Comments on Another Great Dad

  1. I have a Granddaughter slightly older than that. She’s just beginning to talk. My daughter in law sent us a video of them singing the granddaughter favorite Frozen Tune. It sounded like two coyotes howling. I LMAO every time I watch it.

  2. I played this swing dodge em game with all my kids and grandchildren. I would act like an old man trying to shuffle out of the way aka Tim Conway and they almost died laughing.

    Now I dont have to act. Hopeefully my great grandkids will find it equally hysterical. The kickboxing angle makes it even better.

  3. Cisco Kid, acting like an old man like Tim Conway did takes a lot of strength! My favorite bit Tim did as the old man was when he fell down the stairs … in slow motion! Laughed my guts out!

  4. There are two things that will put an immediate smile on my face, even if I’m in a sour mood. #1 is the laughter of a baby or toddler, and a close second is seeing a dog with his head out a car window and his tongue flapping in the breeze grinning from ear to ear.


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