Another Leftist Fired For Abusing Women – IOTW Report

Another Leftist Fired For Abusing Women


Harold Ford Jr., a former Democratic congressman-turned-financial director and regular Morning Joe guest, has reportedly been fired from Morgan Stanley due to allegations of misconduct.

Yashar Ali reported for HuffPost that a woman who worked with Ford said she was interviewed by Morgan Stanley’s HR department for a probe on misconduct. While this woman did not work for the financial firm, various witnesses have corroborated her claims about Ford’s inappropriate behavior towards her. Morgan Stanley confirmed to HuffPost that Ford was terminated for his alleged misconduct.

From HuffPost:

The woman alleged that Ford engaged in harassment, intimidation, and forcibly grabbed her one evening in Manhattan, leading her to seek aid from a building security guard. The incident took place several years ago when Ford and the woman were supposed to be meeting for professional reasons. Ford continued to contact her after the encounter until she wrote an email asking him to cease contact.

The email, which was reviewed by HuffPost, shows that the woman emailed Ford after he repeatedly asked her to drinks. She asked him not to contact her anymore, citing his inappropriate conduct the evening where he forcibly grabbed and harassed her. Ford replied to the email by apologizing and agreeing not to contact her.


11 Comments on Another Leftist Fired For Abusing Women

  1. I don’t see any of these articles on Ford mentioning that he is married.

    I recall Ford playing the race card after losing to Little Bob Corker and then absconding with his snowflake white wife to New Yawk where his assgrabbing could be appreciated.

    Of course, when Ford chose the Senate run over the House, that was when bug eyed, gaptoothed, chrome domed Steve Cohen took his place in Memphis.

    Steve Cohen’s reputation for sexual harassment makes Ford look like a choir boy. As most of the people he harassed were in the legal profession, since he was a lawyer, nobody is talking about this swamp creature out of fear of lawsuits and taking one for the team as all our local attorneys are commies.


    When they go after Trump and Moore, my response is:
    IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY You have the right to:
    *Face your accuser
    *Question witnesses
    *Review evidence
    *Request counsel
    *Be judged by peers
    *Appeal verdicts

    This is turning into an INQUISITION.

    Democrats also have this right. They should stand up for themselves. This “Confederate Statue” hysteria is turning to men.

  3. Ford was a Rising Young Star in the Dem party until he got out-negroed by this Illinois State Senator.

    For me, the highlight of his Senate campaign against Corker was the morning Ha’ald Fowd Junia announced his candidacy, the FBI busted his uncle John for his participation in the Tennessee Waltz scheme.

    Still in all, I sometimes wish he’d beaten Corker; at least with Ford, I could predict that little socialist cocksucker’s position and votes with 100 percent accuracy, unlike Backstabbin’ Bob.

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