Another Line? – IOTW Report

Another Line?

another line

Earl Of Taint

As reports are coming in that Russia has placed 2,000 troops in Crimea, within the borders of Ukraine, President Obama said that “the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine.”


10 Comments on Another Line?

  1. Very funny. Unless of course Obama and Putin are colluding together. I keep replaying that “I’ll have much more flexibility after the election” Thing.

  2. Is World War III Beginning in Ukraine?

    Optimistically dubbed the “war to end all wars,” World War I didn’t begin because Gavrilo Princip assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by on June 28th, 1914 but because the rabble of Europe had long been embroiled in their petty and major squabbles that were resolvable had they wanted resolution; the assassinations were nothing more than the catalyst for a conflict that would have erupted sooner or later anyway due to the European penchant for warring.

    World War II didn’t begin because Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939 but because the Western powers had failed to enforce the Treaty of Versailles by permitting Hitler to remilitarize the Rhineland in March 1936, by failing to intervene when he annexed Austria in 1938, and by acquiesing in his seizure of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia; those failures were the direct result of the prevailing pacifism in the West which sought “peace for our time” at any cost.

    The First World War led to the deaths of 37 million people, the Second to the loss of 60 million lives. If and when it comes, World War III promises to dwarf those numbers and, like the previous conflicts, could be avoided given competent and courageous leadership on the part of the presumptive “Leader of the Free World,” America’s President Barack Hussein Obama.

    Based on his proven record of dithering hesitancy, terminal international naiveté, and questionable interest in anything aside from campaigning, fund raising, and golf, we shouldn’t expect much, and that’s exactly what we’re getting.

    Mercifully not yet a fait accompli, the opening salvos of the Third World War may already have been heard in Ukraine.

    Despite Obama’s dire public warning to Russia on Friday that there would be (typically unspecified) costs for any military intervention in Ukraine, a threat that probably gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a hearty chuckle and provoked Russian lawmakers to ask for the recall of the country’s ambassador to America, nothing changed.

    Despite Obama’s 90 minute Saturday phone call to Putin vapidly expressing his ”deep concern over Russia’s clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity” and urging Putin to de-escalate tensions by withdrawing his invading troops back to Crimea, nothing changed.

    Despite the request by the United Nations’ Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for “an immediate restoration of calm and direct dialogue between all concerned to solve the current crisis” in Ukraine and his vow to call Putin to express his “grave” concerns, nothing changed.

    Well, “nothing changed” isn’t quite correct. Changes have occurred, none of them good and all of them the consequences of our weak and disrespected American president. . . (Read more at

  3. My father almost died in the Pacific theater of operations in 1942, and for what? So this little twerp can make a mess of things on the world stage, and drive our country right into the ground?

  4. Seems all Lead Head, Obama, is interested in doing harbors around bossing the folks from Israel. Who is this Putin people speak of? He’s never met him. “Let me be clear” was uttered today from a Lead Head official regarding “Israel’s” insubordination to The Obama. You know what this means. Israel holds itself above the rising waters from Moose’s cannonball and The Obama begins to attack Israeli interests in the region and around the world. There is a reason he won’t step in to help the folks in Ukraine, Egypt, and Venezuela. The current leaders are on the left side of the political fence with him.

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