Another person who will be completely destroyed for having an opinion – IOTW Report

Another person who will be completely destroyed for having an opinion

The woman said she prefers white people and would love it if the “whole frickin country was white.”

This opinion is not an approved opinion. Not like the prevailing sentiment that white people suck, white people ruin the country, white people are the bane of civilization. These are the racist opinions that are acceptable to say out loud, and proudly.

Earlier today I watched Adam Kokesh debate a street musician/socialist who said that “unfortunately I am white.

When I hear white people self-loathing their “whiteness,” I have to confess that I’m not all that outraged when I see someone say, in effect, “I’m white and I’m glad, and I prefer white people.”

I think they might, oddly, counterbalance each other in a healthy way.

For the record, the woman doing the filming in the video above, seems like a perfectly nice, courteous, positive member of our society. (Unless she’s a prog. In that case, the hell with her.)

I don’t know what the cranky woman’s problem was. My plan to clean up society is not to eradicate people by color. It’s to eradicate people by political ideology. And maybe musical preference.

Either way, the left has to go.


19 Comments on Another person who will be completely destroyed for having an opinion

  1. A few days ago, I had an interesting conversation on MeWe with a woman who seems to share this opinion (I didn’t watch the video). What I finally got from her was that since America was founded by white men that only white people should live here and that myself (a black man) and other non-whites should go back to our “native” lands. I tried to talk with her about the idea of America being one of an idea more than one of race/ethnic identity. She wasn’t buying it. I then asked what should happen with my white wife. Her response? “Micegenation is gross and wrong”.

    Like I said, it was an interesting conversation. Neither of us convinced the other to budge from our positions but I’m okay with that. I know that there are those on our side who are as wedded to identity politics as any BLM moron. I wouldn’t put this woman into the “moron” category – she seemed to be fairly informed but came to the separatist conclusion. There are all kinds out there.

  2. There are people like that (all races) everywhere you look. In the end, it’s just opinions. It’s only a problem when a gubmint ACTS on opinion. (nazi socialism, etc.)

    On the other hand, the woman could be a bitch and just wanted to start shit. LOL.

  3. She’s entitled to her opinion. However I hear people like this and it makes me curious of their back ground. There seems to be an aggressive attack to destroy “White Culture”. Which pisses most white conservative off. My self included. However it’s other white people attempting to erase the color white off the Sherman Williams color chart. I don’t get it. It’s fair to say that Whites are a bigger threat to our Constitutional Republic than any other skin tone. My Conservative Black, Brown, Yellow friends are as steadfast in their Patriotism as any whites that I know. We should stop letting the Media define the battle lines. It’s not about skin tone. The line of demarcation has to be Libtard VS Patriot.
    I actually feel a little sorry for this woman.

  4. Bad_Brad- I thought of it as she could have been saying it because other than white people ‘expect’ white people to say this. So she may have been acting that way in the video like- Oh, I’ll SHOW you raycism.
    Or hey, she may actually be a genuine racist. lol. But it’s just words. I’m not willing, as a tanned American, to send a swarm of ‘my people’ to her table, get her fired, or send hate mail to her just to make her life miserable. Or miserabler, because of a dumb opinion.

    Could she not just explain to the woman why she was wrong and then move on? Just be the bigger person and feel sorry for her.
    Why does everybody have to be on social media with a freakin’ video nowadays blowing stuff up over nothing?

  5. Why can’t stupid people hold their friggin’ cell phones the right way when taking videos? Gawd that pisses me off.

    My guess is the woman in the video may have been reacting to something racist the woman taking the video had said against white people. A little context would be nice. I have seen LOTS of video of people saying they would like America to become “brown” (i.e. no more white people) where is the outrage over THEM?

  6. Understanding is not the same thing as condoning. It is a natural reaction, when one sees the societal pendulum swing off kilter one way, to push the other way in obtaining some balance. And Yes, some context would be nice. I suspect camera lady said something ridiculously PC and this woman was trying to get a rise out of her, like when I go to my gym to work out and all the TV’s are on CNN or MSNBC (the Bay Area, what do you expect?) and I yell out ,”How about some Foxnews forchrisakes?”.

  7. Like every minority activist there is doesn’t have the same opinion about their group? I don’t care what color anyone is, I just wish they’ get lives and Shut the fuck up for a change. Oh, and if the other lady had said the same thing to the white lady, no one would have cared at all.

  8. ” I’m not willing, as a tanned American, to send a swarm of ‘my people’ to her table,”

    Two things,

    #1 You wouldn’t send people to her table because conservatives don’t play that shit.

    We are your people now. Mix us all together and we are Red, White and Blue. That’s why I never do Cardio at the gym. THESE COLORS DON’T RUN BITCHES. LOL, Cough.

  9. I was never racist until spending 5 years in a 99.5% Mexican neighborhood in El Paso, TX.
    With that experience, I would be a blooming idiot to think there is not something seriously wrong with these people.
    Their car’s horn is a doorbell. Burning trash, when trash pickup is free. They lie about everything. Brand new stray dogs, dumped every day. Cruelty to animals is normal. We hear dogs screaming, getting beat, every day and night. Dogs on a 3 foot chain with no food or water. Good, healthy, happy dogs, after a month with Mexican “masters” look emaciated and miserable. Concert level “music”. Their nearest trash can is the front door. I pick up neighbors used toilet paper every week after trash day. They don’t wipe their asses and put the paper in the toilet and flush it. They put it either in a trash can, paper or plastic bag or just drop it right on the floor, then into their over flowed trash cans and the wind does it’s job.
    We are moving soon, to a 98.9% white culture 2,000 miles from here because…………..I am a stone cold racist.
    We are not born racist. We have to be taught to be racist.
    Well……………..they sure taught me………maybe not racist, but a hispanist for sure.

  10. Perhaps that lady was thinking of what it would be like to be white in South Africa, Zimbabwe, the Congo and other areas now descending into uncivilized madness. Or maybe about living in certain areas of the USA’s major metropolises…

  11. Remember the conversation…..the woman asked to sit down while a woman was busy with paperwork of some kind. The place appears to have plenty of empty tables so she did so to bait the woman to get the reaction she got. This was no unsolicited racial remark out of the blue.

  12. @Bad_Brad:
    That was the point I was trying to get across to the white separatist I engaged on MeWe – America (and conservatism) is not limited to white people or ANY color people, for that matter. It’s about how you think and the values you hold. Like you, I don’t care about color; I care about your character.

    One of the couples we hold dear are St. Louis Cardinals fans. As Cub fans that should be a problem, but it’s not; more things hold us together than separate us. I think that’s true of a lot of people but they’re so focused on things that aren’t as important as they “feel” they are that they’re able to be manipulated.

  13. Oh!…….I just wish all the people I don’t like would disappear!……..nope, didn’t happen. I reckon we’ll just have to figure out how to get along. One side of this business’s stock in trade is making sure that never happens. Once you understand that, the rest isn’t so difficult to figure out.

  14. When a black person spouts racism it, they get a Nike contract.

    The left’s credibilty on this is gone. Screw ’em and their opinions – on anything.

    Fascists can kiss michelle obama’s fat ass.

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