Another reason I can’t stand the Kennedys – IOTW Report

Another reason I can’t stand the Kennedys

Ever since William KENNEDY Smith was on trial for rape I’ve loathed how these asshats throw Kennedy into their name.

YOUR NAME IS WILLIAM SMITH!! Shoehorning in your mother’s maiden name is a blatant attempt to latch onto whatever privileges come with being a Kennedy. Yes, technically his middle name is Kennedy, but throwing a last name into the middle name slot is a dick move, and it’s a slap at the Smith family. Apparently being a Smith isn’t good enough.

Now another one of these dopes has died.

Christopher Kennedy Lawford has apparently overheated at hot yoga and dropped dead.

He had preexisting conditions. He was a drunk for much of his life, getting sober at the age of 30. (Hey, he really is a Kennedy!)

Apparently being a Lawford, a famous Hollywood name, isn’t adequate. He, too,  had to shoehorn in the Kennedy name.

Christopher was an actor, like his dad Peter.




21 Comments on Another reason I can’t stand the Kennedys

  1. Whelp, it’s a Kennedy, so there’s always someone or something on which to pin blame.

    Christopher Kennedy Lawford, Bikram yoga.
    Patrick and Kerry Kennedy, Ambien.
    William Kennedy Smith, Au Bar bartender, Palm Beach
    Ted Kennedy, Oldsmobile.

    And the beat goes on….


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