Another Study Concludes 2020 Election Stolen – IOTW Report

Another Study Concludes 2020 Election Stolen

Washington Times

President Biden received hundreds of thousands of “excess” votes in Democratic-controlled areas in the 2020 election, according to an academic study on voter fraud that suggests the push to relax voting standards created new opportunities for electoral mischief.

John R. Lott Jr., the man behind the research, teased out those numbers by comparing Democratic-dominant areas to Republican-dominant places over the past two presidential elections, particularly in places where claims of election fraud were reported in 2020. More

17 Comments on Another Study Concludes 2020 Election Stolen

  1. Fraud didn’t happen because we say it didn’t happen. If you say it did, you’re a scummy, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, Trunmpist insurrectionist and you should be banned, canceled, jailed and shot.

  2. And? SO? the vote/election was stolen? What’s being done about it to depose (p)Resident Xiden and reinstate the rightful President Trump? And punish by forfeiture of all assets and hanging, all those involved?
    Come back to me when you’ve got real TEETH in what you’re saying.

  3. No Justice forthcoming nor available to correct the theft and corruption involving the 2020 election.

    We are to bow down and accept the facts of theft and corruption knowing there is no recourse, no judicial condemnation, no legitimate investigation by the DOJ, no censure, no media criticism, no government accountability, lest we will be further vilified.

  4. At this point, in the life of our Republic, it is looking more and more inevitable that Justice can only be forthcoming via remedy as recognized and declared by our Founders.


  5. How is a lowly peasant supposed to determine when the fake president of the United States is telling the truth? We’d be at much safer assuming he never tells the truth.
    Dog face pony soldier.

  6. @Beachmom March 29, 2022 at 2:58 pm

    > No one has the stones to do anything.

    A third of a billion people. Carrying United States papers. Some number greater than, or equal to, 2… is a mathematical certainty.

    The issue is, now, as it has been for most of a century… Nobody can give United States paper carriers what they want: That all the lies they put in their mouths, be made true. On somebody else’s blood and treasure.

  7. “ …according to an academic study on voter fraud that suggests the push to relax voting standards created new opportunities for electoral mischief.”

    Ah yes, those mischievous little rascal democrats.

  8. NOT TRUE! 1 yer go while “crosstraing” at my gym i saw (Between 0700 and 0900) GWB on eery News station and every cAbel station say:
    A. Jo won “Fair and square”!

    Steve is calling GWB a leftist liar!

    Which BTW, he is!


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