Another Stupid Cringeworthy Leftist PSA – “My First Time” – IOTW Report

Another Stupid Cringeworthy Leftist PSA – “My First Time”

Look at the likes to dislikes ratio –>


Here’s a sprinkling of the comments-

-After all the human trafficking and rape scandals going on in the industry, it probably wasn’t a good idea to use such a cringy innuendo.

-The girls in this video have higher testosterone levels than the guys. TRUMP 2020

-The last people I would EVER take advice from are Hollywood celebrities that live lives of multiple divorce, estranged children from multiple partners. drug and alcohol abuse, kids in rehab, sexual abuse… If they cant run their lives, I’m certainly not taking advice from them on how to vote.

-As a Hispanic teen who’s parents crossed the border and are now LEGAL CITIZENS I’ll be voting for republicans thanks Hollywood.

-Burn Hollywood burn!

-Gonna register at their site and vote conservative, what a bunch of dolts.

-I will be voting a straight ticket for the first time in my life,.. straight republican.

-Watch how this whole country turns right…….Damn it feels good to be American!

-Really Hollywood? Using a sexual connotation? Rapeville! By the way, would you still support me if I didn’t vote Democrat? I kinda feel like you leftist shills would not. Thanks for reminding me to vote red on Nov 6th!

-Thanks a lot guys, I wasn’t planning on voting at all, but now you’ve made me change my mind. I’ll be voting Republican, thanks for the encouragement!!!! Oh, and also, I won’t be paying a single dime (haven’t for two years now) for any movie any of you show up in until you stop shoving your celebrity privileged leftie crap up everyone’s throats.

-Cant wait to see the reactions when I register because I’m 19 and a Black male. Wasn’t going to register Republican (was going to be independent) but after seeing this cringe it made me change my mind.

-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! I’m off to buy another AR15 before you dorks push. the prices up again.

-I like how Scarlett Johansson gets protested for being white and protested for not being trans and loses movie roles, but still supports the left.

-It’s adorable how celebrities never seem to learn we don’t care about their advice.



ht/ DACL


20 Comments on Another Stupid Cringeworthy Leftist PSA – “My First Time”

  1. I went to the comment section the first 10 seconds and listened to the rest of the video.

    Wasn’t disappointed to see barely a drop of the big bad blue turd wave, blue shitnami or whatever.

  2. @old_oaks , Better man than I, bows to you. I only would have expected a PBS, NPR, Ken Burns rewriting American Experience. Sincere Thanks for making me appreciate you for not wasting my time,,

  3. “Christina Ford claimed two high school boys tried to get her to do it when she was 15.”

    “Deborah Rameriz had someone show her, but decided to wait anyway.”

    “Julie Swetnick did it with a bunch of guys.”

    Hey, I’m talking about voting. If you’re going to do a tasteless PSA that completely ignores the circus the past few weeks, go all the way.

  4. My first time was in Australia where everybody has to vote by law. I was collared, put in a line and told who to vote for. Despite my protests that I was an American and super cool, they forced me to vote. Probably for some old white guy.

    I have to admit…. it was an impressive display of mob mentality.

  5. One more attempt at shocking the public that was an awesome idea in some leftists’ minds only.


    Extra TU for Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk October 9, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    Table-turning is an awesomely effective tool.


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