Another Top Staffer Quits On Biden As Scandals Grow – IOTW Report

Another Top Staffer Quits On Biden As Scandals Grow

TPN: Biden staffers have been dropping like flies over the past two weeks, and now we have another one to announce.

On Friday, White House Communications director Kate Bedingfield stepped down after a few rough weeks of needing to defend Biden’s growing classified document scandal. MORE

11 Comments on Another Top Staffer Quits On Biden As Scandals Grow

  1. Megan has been holding business meetings with 89 year old billionaire Gordon Getty at the Beverly Hills Hotel……apparently his children were seen throwing Megan’s luggage out of his Hope Ranch Mansion.

    Megan would be the perfect addition to the Let’s Go Brandon fake president’s staff.

  2. Megan Maarkle wants be be president of the US. She needs money to enter politics. She is having “business meetings” with an 89 year old billionaire at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She is a social climber and a grifter.

    She is currently married to Prince Harry Todger Windsor.

    A job from Resident Brandon would be perfect – she will let him smell her and whatever. she was a yacht girl before she married into the Royal Family.

    Sigh. It isn’t funny if you have to explain it.

    Tony R, what do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back after you throw it?

    A stick.

  3. Personally, I still think the knives are out for the Pedo but the kiss between the first spouse bitches was very weird.

    Maybe a kiss before dying type of greeting?

    I wish that Demonrats disarray and dipshittery would provide enough momentum for Pedo and Child to run again.

    Both will completely fall apart on the campaign trail/debates and expose themselves as worthless imbecilic idiots.

    So where Kate actually lands will be the biggest tell.


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