Another Transgender Causes Scene For Being Called a Man – IOTW Report

Another Transgender Causes Scene For Being Called a Man

This time it’s at Target.

I want 100 scientists to watch this video and declare that this is a woman.

33 Comments on Another Transgender Causes Scene For Being Called a Man

  1. I want 100 scientists to watch this video and declare that this is a woman

    If government grant money were to be made available to support this, there would be 100 “scientists” willing to make this declaration.

  2. This reminds me of the judge who said pornography cannot be defined in a court of law, but we all know it when we see it.

    Today you can’t call it mental illness, but we all know it when we see it!
    And all it’s going to do is create a whole lot of copy-cats looking for jackpot justice.

  3. We used to call men pretending they are women “Female Impersonators”.

    Now we call them “she”.

    Times have changed, I guess, but not necessarily for the better.

  4. For fucks sake! So the circus has ended, no wait it lives on…free of charge! Every day clowns on display. But really this is the result of not caring for the mentally ill but rather catering to their dillusions, and the cost is the loss of a polite society. I want to point and laugh, but I think crying is more fitting.

  5. “Target is going to pay dearly.”

    …I sincerely HOPE so @MJA, because they LED the retail charge to cater to this particular mental illness. I don’t know if it was because of an equally crazy CEO or simply hoping the beast would eat them LAST, but either way they are showing that appeasement doesn’t work, ESPECIALLY if you’re trying to appease the insane.

    …talk about chickens coming home to roost…sorry, no love for Target, you FED this monster, now YOU can LIVE with it…

  6. …in unrelated news, Ohio’s new Governor, DeWine, signed several Executive Orders as soon as he took the Oath, among them one that codifes the gender confused as a “protected class”. Look for this guy to be Kasish 2.0, he’s GOP-E all the way, just not quite as fat as the LAST one…

    …Ohio does tend to have fake Republican Governors. It’s ALWAYS been an issue, but since they flipped the formerly Republican bastion of Hamilton County around the People’s Republic of Cincinnati to blue via gerrymandering and Section 8, and they OWN the populous North and West of the state due to auto unions, well…we just ain’t gonna be able to do better, sorry…

  7. OK – I need a translator again …

    And by the way, I’se be a “scientist” like Bill Nye be … at (in my own mind i’se a rocket sturgeon)… so … I can say … categorically (whatever that means) … that that be’s a man!

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. He has free speech. So do I. I am permitted to call him a he, a guy or a sick SOB. They are allowed to remove him from their property for causing a disruption to their business. Of course, I have no sympathy for Target. They were the ones that invited these sick bastards to use which ever bathroom they felt like. Screw em.

  9. Remember the days when ‘no shoes, no shirt, no service’ actually meant come to a business properly dressed and conduct yourself appropriately otherwise no entry?! And no one blinked twice when someone was turned away?! We need to go back to that STAT.

  10. I thought that the dude at one point says, “I’m a man with girl hormones”. And then at the end of the clip the female security guard addresses him as “Mam”, at which point he responds, “I’m not a ‘Mam’, I’m a man” and then whips off his wig. Am I confused, or is he?


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