Answers for the Renaming of the Bridge in Baltimore Triggered Lefties – IOTW Report

Answers for the Renaming of the Bridge in Baltimore Triggered Lefties

59 Comments on Answers for the Renaming of the Bridge in Baltimore Triggered Lefties

  1. Name it for Chairman Mao, like everything else will be anyway after the Chinese take over.

    Hell, you may even get them to build it for you like they do with their “belt and road” program in every OTHER Third World nation they take over…

  2. …since it will be built by a minority contractor hand-selected by race and validated by its DEI, the “Bridge Of Death” would seem an appropriate name for it, in the event it ever actually gets finished…

  3. Willysgoatgruff, that would be one hell of a very long bridge. I’ve been to the Indian Ocean and it’s very big and in the absolute middle of nowhere. And of course, that bridge would connect to the Trans-Pacific railroad bridge which would even be longer. All the way across the Pacific Ocean to San Diego. Good luck crossing that bridge in the midst of a tsunami or a typhoon.

  4. geoff the aardvark
    WEDNESDAY, 27 MARCH 2024, 12:22 AT 12:22 PM
    “SNS, Gandalf to the Balrog on that bridge, “You shall not pass.””

    …there are indeed some Balrogs at the end of the erstwhile FSK bridge, or so I’ve heard…

  5. Well everyone knows exactly how this bridges will be rebuilt. 1st all MAGA/Republican nonsense thrown out the door,then America’s savor The Dems will come up with the fix, end of story because this is how America was built. Not by a bunch of cry baby repubes.

  6. I’m hearing that the construction workers who were patching potholes rushed to stop traffic on the bridge to save other people and some died in their effort. The new bridge should be named after them and nobody else.


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