Anthony Weiner Gets Unhinged Over Clinton Death List – IOTW Report

Anthony Weiner Gets Unhinged Over Clinton Death List

Daily Caller

Disgraced former Democratic New York congressman-turned-self-proclaimed “big boy” Anthony Weiner lost his freaking mind when asked Thursday about rumors that the Clinton family has a “body count.”

Patrick Bet-David put the question to Weiner, referencing a popular conspiracy theory that former President Bill Clinton and his wife, twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, have had people killed. “How is it that the reputation that follows [the Clintons] is people close to them die?” the host asked in a clip shared from the show.

For whatever reason, Weiner seemed to take serious offense to the question. He immediately tried to turn the conversation around, claiming that every president has a prevailing conspiracy or reputation related to them, but PBD had already noted many of them prior to asking his initial question. More

You can watch a clip. Weiner’s demeanor changes at about the 3:45 mark as the list of coincidental deaths are being read to him. Watch

14 Comments on Anthony Weiner Gets Unhinged Over Clinton Death List

  1. Most of us will die in our 80s, never having known anyone who died mysteriously, nor will we ever have met anyone who knows of someone who died mysteriously. But the Clintons knew 50-60 victims before Bill and Hillary were 60 years old? Oh, by the way: Wikipedia, the source, is owned by a bigtime lefty.

  2. The stakes in this political game are just as high, even higher than in any other that history records.

    Throughout history powerful people intent on keeping their power and on avoiding the exposure of their crimes have had potential or actual threats killed. It is not a new thing, it is just that our nation was supposedly formed ‘of by and for the people’ and would somehow be above such things.

    Surprise, surprise! Nope, not so, not so at all. Certainly with the level of corruption and criminality at the highest levels one might think the general slaughter would be much greater. We should applaud the Clintoons for their restraint!


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