Anthropogenic Global Warming is Political, Not Physical, Science – IOTW Report

Anthropogenic Global Warming is Political, Not Physical, Science


Arvid Pasto

By now, almost everyone knows that “the world is warming”, and has been told over and over by the mainstream media that it is due to man’s emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), principally but not limited to carbon dioxide (CO2). This claim is largely due to the efforts of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). read more

17 Comments on Anthropogenic Global Warming is Political, Not Physical, Science

  1. There are so many individuals making big money off it that it will be all but impossible to overcome the resistance, but if anyone can make significant headway Donald Trump is the man to do it.

  2. There is this . . .

    Ukraine wants the next $20 Billion Dollar allotment from the U.S. Treasury Credit Carders in order to build some solar power stations in Ukraine.

    How’s that?

    Also, recall that Biden Cemetary Stroll just days before all this went down. Back when the Superbowl was still in the near future. Too funny.

  3. The UN’s IPCC has admitted for at least 15 years that the whole “climate change / global warming is really about redistributing the wealth of rich countries to “poor” countries and to destroy capitalism (and replace it with communism). Here are a couple of links with associated quotes.

    (EDENHOFER (who is a UN scumbag)): First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.

    At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

  4. And this . . .

    The Hunter Biden Trial has put on the Official Record Now that Hunter Biden and The State Department DID have ‘inappropriate’ contacts, meetings and plans regarding Ukraine trips and things.

    Did you hear that yet?

  5. I saw a video on Twitter a few days ago where Al Gore was answering questions in congress. He was asked what kind of science degree made him an expert in climate.

    He said that he had a Bachelor of Arts degree. When the questioner as how that gave him the ability to answer scientific questions, he said that he had a Political Science degree.

    I nearly fell out of my chair at the absolute stupidity of that answer. Al Gore must have an IQ below 50. Can’t be any other reason why he is so stupid.

  6. Hey Claudia, he ain’t stupid – he’s so smart that he can get millions believing his psuedo-science and paying him millions to boot. The people that swallow his claptrap – now they are the stupid ones.

  7. oldvet50 – yeah, but Claudia is right. He’s a stupid, insipid, stinky, nasty, revolting old jerk!

    He’s the kind of guy I would have loved to deck. (When I still could deck people. Now, it’s no decking and no outrunning. Pea-shooter to he rescue! 🥸 )

  8. Has anyone ever seen evidence or a compelling argument that states CO2 is the cause of climate change and NOT one of the effects of naturally occurring climate change?

    Didn’t think so.


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