anti-car nutball livid that cars have access to Seattle waterfront – IOTW Report

anti-car nutball livid that cars have access to Seattle waterfront

I Bike, Therefore You Will Too!

Being pro-bike is great, but not when part of your crusade is to get rid of cars.


A notoriously hyper-critical bike activist is livid that the City of Seattle has the audacity to give drivers access to the new waterfront.

KING 5 recently featured Tom Fucoloro, purveyor of Seattle Bike Blog. He’s taking issue with an eight-lane stretch of Alaskan Way that exists in the new waterfront design. It only takes up one-third of the entire waterfront project, but Fucoloro suggests this proves that the City of Seattle doesn’t put people first.

Related: New Alaskan Way Boulevard will be up to 8 lanes wide

“It was the scariest thing I saw on Halloween,” said Fucoloro of the designs. “It should be people first. They basically decided they want to prioritize the movement of cars over the experience of having a good waterfront that people want.”

Fucoloro says it’s “[time] to protest” and is suggesting we may need to fund a second tunnel in place of the lanes. There’s no doubt he and his activist friends will soon resort to bullying tactics against anyone getting in his way (watch my Twitter feed for proof about 30 minutes after this blog goes live).

There’s a lot wrong with his reaction. First, the waterfront is, in fact, putting people first. People drive in cars. I know Fucoloro doesn’t approve of this, but allowing access to the region (and waterfront) is a great way to put people first.

There seems to be a dangerous and selfish movement to keep Seattle as exclusive as possible. At the same time, over at The Urbanist, Doug Trumm wants to get rid of I-5 from Central Seattle entirely. Why don’t these Seattleites want the single mom in Renton or the family in Everett coming to the waterfront with their kids? It’s bizarre isolationism.

“I’m worried it will be one of those things where we build it and people come out to see it and say, ‘what!’” Fucoloro told KING 5.

Most people don’t have the unhealthy aversion to cars that Fucoloro does. People aren’t triggered the way he suspects they may be. We understand that driving is an acceptable and necessary way to get around the region. The vast majority of people — nearly everyone — finds it unappealing to bike in the rain to their destination.

In a tweet, Fucoloro wrote: “Maybe we need a second highway tunnel to bury this proposed surface highway. THEN we can have a waterfront for the people.”

If he wants fewer lanes and more space for pedestrians, kill the bike and bus lanes. There. Major problem solved.

Fucoloro is arrogant enough to think he is a representative voice of the people. He isn’t. He represents a small but vocal voice within a community that embraces a niche hobby. For example, less than 4 percent of people who work in the city commute to via bikes, yet Fucoloro seems to think his biking habits are reflective of the city’s desire to embrace bikes. They’re not.


ht/ illustr8r

33 Comments on anti-car nutball livid that cars have access to Seattle waterfront

  1. Don’t like cars? How about trucks? Big trucks that deliver your food, your iPhones, and your bikes to retailers? Your Birkenstocks. Your toilet paper, unless you wipe your ass with a pinecone.

    Oh. And your cromag man look is super sexy.


  2. Freaken Hipsters. If you can’t start a camp fire, chop down a tree, shoot your dinner, clean your dinner, cook your dinner, run a chain saw, swing an ax, split wood, run an AR, then shave your damn beard pussy.

  3. No, but seriously. Whole Foods Markets don’t replenish themselves. Diesel fueled vehicles sow and harvest your food.

    It’s time for war with these numb skulls. Ok. No hydrocarbon driven vehicles will invade your liberal safe spaces any longer. No food.

    Get back to us when you’re ready to acknowledge that you’re calling from a phone made from petroleum derivatives like plastic, powered by an electrical grid powered by coal, natural gas or nuke.

    Seriously we could make these ignorant babies beg, I mean literally beg, to be given the permission to survive in about a week.

  4. Why do the communists deserve an explanation? When Donald Trump said he thought he would be allowed to “grab ’em by the p*ssy,” did the communist misandrists find fifty shades of ways to explain that that was a bad idea? Or was “Shut him the f*ck up! And run him the h*ll out of here!” intellectual enough?

  5. This is how great our county is. You can spend most of your life living in a fantasy world.
    The MSM will help you along the way. Making sure no one intrudes on your fantasy.
    You never have to grow up. I started working at 14 on our farm. I had to chop wood for the stove which also heated our house. I worked everyday. Sun up to sun down. We didn’t have electricity till I was 16. No phone. No tv. No computer. No smartphone. No bicycle.
    I rode a horse everywhere. Wish I could of spent my day bitching and moaning.
    On line.

  6. In Tacoma they succeeded in closing the Five Mile Drive through Point Defiance Park until noon each day, for their exclusive usage. My mother used to drive and park and go on a hike of about a mile or two until she was well into her 80’s.

    These people just don’t care.

  7. Sometimes I find it interesting….even fascinating that liberalism can be so uninformed, ignorant, stupid, naïve and/or uneducated about the simplest facts that separate the knowledgeable from the obtuse.

  8. Please explain to me the practicality of riding in the rain, up hills, down hills-especially in the winter time when the clocks change and the sun (ha!) starts to disappear at 3pm. Now, imagine commuting or running errands if you have kids, are elderly or a medical condition.

    I imagine this loser would say hiring a rickshaw would be OK for that.

  9. ALL of these assholes need their modern conveniences taken from them. He rides a bike. How was that bike made? Where did the materials come from asshole? I say we put a $10,000 fee on bicycles and give it to the manufactures and miners facing constant frivolous lawsuits from assholes like him!
    I bet you hate loggers too but live in a nice warm house made of wood and warmed by coal/gas/oil generated electricity.
    Go back to the caves you ignorant dung infested piece of crap!

  10. Here’s how you teach a lesson to this douchebag Tom Fuckingloser.

    Deflate the air in his bicycle tires. Then apply Loctite’s Red-grade Threadlocker to his tires’ valvestems (including the insides, not just the threads), then screw on metal hexagonal tirevalve caps so the fucktard cant unscrew them once the Loctite dries.

  11. Bikes are great recreational toys.
    Not great transportation.

    In WW1, all the major armies experimented with moving infantry regiments by bicycle.
    Great photos.
    Bikes were given every chance, and big money/time/effort expended.
    Every army switched to the primitively unreliable early trucks for transport, ASAP.
    Just sayin’.


  12. bicyclists who impede traffic probably waste more fuel than people who drive – because they force people to be on the road longer, often at an idle while they wait for a chance to move. Idling requires a richer air/fuel mix for stability(not dieing). Prolonged operation at idle also allows the catalytic converter to cool, so it cannot clean up the exhaust as much – some vehicles avoid this by increasing idle speed a bunch.

    In Missoula, MT where I live there was a junction of 3 streets. The clever pricks put an “air pollution monitoring station ” right next to it, they spent about 30 years “studying” the problem and got grants (including one for 30 million$). They made everyone throw away their wood stoves ( which would be considered “biomass” and thus “green energy” nowadays).

    The simple idea of an overpass was not acceptable because they feared more pollution caused by cars working harder to get over the overpass. Here’s the thing: accelerating from a stop is harder work than a small climb – you start off in lowest gear, but probably don’t downshift for an overpass, right? Also, having everyone idle at that damn stop for five minutes wastes a lot of fuel, too. They finally soved the problem with a bunch of detours, which must confuse the hell out of visitors, resulting in more waste as they try to discover a way through that mess.

    These anti-car people are a scourge of idiocy on our country. Whoever designs the roads here is crazy. They just put a pedestrian walkway over a four lane road, about 1 block away from a traffic light, and allowing pedestrians to go from short branch of the old highway to another – on each side the road rejoins the new highway about six blocks down. Damn few are going to save any steps because of this millions $ absurdity.

    I think it’s a matter of hatefulness far bigger than their hat-size. They are taught contempt for normals, but don’t have the smarts or patience to make things better, so they screw things up.

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