Anti-cop leftist bully confronts 9/11 widow and sneers that her husband should “rot in his grave” – IOTW Report

Anti-cop leftist bully confronts 9/11 widow and sneers that her husband should “rot in his grave”

I don’t know how this woman kept her composure in the face of this despicable tirade.

22 Comments on Anti-cop leftist bully confronts 9/11 widow and sneers that her husband should “rot in his grave”

  1. You can tell by his voice that he is one of those nasty GLAAD faggot types. What a nasty piece of shit. He’s a great argument for bring back gay bashing. He’s just another demonic democrat NPC.

  2. I know it’s not the in thing anymore, but damn bring back the good men that would have defended that woman’s honor by beating the hell out of him!

    I can promise you if any of the men in my life had been standing anywhere near that and regardless if it was me or a stranger they would have shut him up. Of course if it had been me they would have had to get to him first.

  3. Mule, you are right on target. Its time for these homos to be chased down alleys again and to have their heads smashed in with baseball bats. They seem to not know, or have forgotten, when they were on the receiving end of fists and lead pipes instead of male appendages.

  4. The DemocRAT party has degenerated into a mob of vile, vicious, violent, hate-filled, lying, cheating, crooked thugs led by the likes of Nasty Pelosi, Chuck U. Schumer and Mad Maxine Waters. If you want to save our Constitution and our freedoms, NEVER vote for a DemocRAT again. The DemocRATic partly needs to self destruct and be replace by a party of rational people who actually have working brains and love the United States of America and our Constitution. Urge all of your Republican, Independent, Conservative friends and others to get out and vote Republican to save this nation. Urge them to urge others. The future of your children and grand children depend on it.

    Portland Antifa

  5. How come there are no men around when a scumbag like that acts up?
    I’m old and he might kick my ass but I assure you I’d get a sandwich.
    He would bleed from the face. But one good punch and he’s be screaming for police. I know the type, fucking homo cowards.


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