Anti-government protests spread across Nicaragua – IOTW Report

Anti-government protests spread across Nicaragua

Human rights groups say dozens are dead, including a journalist shot while covering the protests; Rich Edson reports from the State Department.

11 Comments on Anti-government protests spread across Nicaragua

  1. Pres. Ortega began this war against the elderly a few years ago. One of the hallmarks of socialismo del siglo 21 is the need to eliminate those who are no longer contributing to the great socialist utopia.

    Ortega began raiding social security funds when money got tight, just as did Maduro and Correa. Retirees protested and he responded by bashing gray-haired heads together.

    He is turning the screws again, but this time the fallout is much, much worse. Nothing a few bullets won’t cure — one way or the other.

  2. “Human rights groups say dozens are dead…” In the good old days, we would send in the special forces, or CIA, to kill their commie leaders and install a kinder, gentler puppet regime. But now, thanks to “Human Rights Groups” the dictators run amok, killing their subjects, destabilizing the region, and we get to receive a couple million more “refugees” to further drain our treasury.

  3. Ole Danny Ortega wants to reduce the national social pensions of Nicaragua? Who would have thought that the darling of the left would do this. I remember when dozens of our countryme-err-countrypeople would go to support the revolution of the 80’s. Now we can troll “El Frente” and employ dank memes against them.

  4. @Tony R April 26, 2018 at 7:32 pm

    > the dictators run amok, killing their subjects, destabilizing the region

    So, we’re still exporting American “democracy”?

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