Anti-Gun Group Cancels Disney Die-In Fearing It Will Traumatize Children – IOTW Report

Anti-Gun Group Cancels Disney Die-In Fearing It Will Traumatize Children

These are the same morons who did the Publix die-in. I’m sure they didn’t traumatize  the little kids shopping with their parents, there.

DC: The anti-gun group National Die-In announced on Monday that it has decided to call off its staged die-in demonstration at Disney World fearing backlash for scaring children.

The demonstration, which was planned for sometime June, was meant to protest Disney for contributing to political committees supporting Adam Putnam, Florida’s current agriculture commissioner and a GOP gubernatorial candidate.

Putnam, a self-titled “proud #NRASellout,” is a supporter of the Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association. As Florida’s commissioner of agriculture, he expanded the concealed weapon license program, making it the largest in the nation. MORE HERE

SNIP: They don’t care about traumatizing children, they’re afraid of backlash and a Disney lawsuit.

9 Comments on Anti-Gun Group Cancels Disney Die-In Fearing It Will Traumatize Children

  1. First it’s on, then it’s off…. they back off on one thing and push ahead on the next thing, man, I wish these people would drop the hammer and simply declare civil war.

  2. WHAT! During gay pride month?
    All those faggots wearing red shirts at Disneyland would get the vapors.

    Yes, they wear red shirts to “identify” while at Disney.
    Why what exactly do you mean Loco?
    “They identify that they like it hard and nasty, shoved up their asses.”

  3. It was the summer of 1978, my boyscout troop leader handed around an unarmed rifle and we all got to shoot it. He said, it isn’t a target, it’s your substance. Now I am taking that to mean something else.


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