Anti-gun liberal (literally) mugged by reality – IOTW Report

Anti-gun liberal (literally) mugged by reality

American Thinker: Writer Ryan Moore was a confirmed lifelong anti-gun liberal.  He even tweeted out a request to President Obama to repeal the Second Amendment in 2012.

But one day, Moore was confronted with a situation that changed his entire perspective on guns to the point where he is now a life member of the NRA.

Moore was literally mugged by reality.

h/t Really Enraged.

14 Comments on Anti-gun liberal (literally) mugged by reality

  1. Washington’s Constitution stands in the way of the leftist wet dream for now, but it is not getting any better.

    The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men. Art. I, § 24 (enacted 1889).

    [Self-defense right explicitly protected.]

  2. if all war is deception, then gun owners should install signs in their yards that declare this home is a gun free zone. The element of surprise is always useful.

  3. This is really why the left needs to shut down conservatives completely. No one ever lives life and becomes a liberal. There isn’t one liberal policy that makes sense in the real world for hard working law abiding people. It is too bad it takes so long or for something horrible to happen to open people’s eyes.

  4. The parachute thing…

    Literally and figuratively I believe you NEVER carry ONE!

    Two parachutes equal one.

    Three parachutes equal two. Etc., etc., etc.

    My second parachute is a J-Frame snubby, Robar Finish and Sambar Stag Grips. Really pretty parachute…

  5. Literally how you turn a liberal. Expose them to reality outside their safe space.

    I know more than a few liberals that are NRA members. The last one that made an impression on me was a gay guy wearing his pistol in cross draw fashion in his home.

    As left as you can get. Armed because gay bashing was real and physical lately. Several incidents had happened in the previous 6 months in that neighborhood. He wasn’t taking any chances. “I’m a Texan. I’m armed.” He finally said.

    I just smiled and nodded. “What you got there?”…


    “A pro-gun perspective does not alone a conservative make.”

    Exactly why the anti-gun movements and actions result in Dems losing office after pushing gun control. They ain’t all insane. Some just need to see their conservative side. Not R vs D when it comes down to it.

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