Anti-Kremlin Banker: Fusion GPS Assisted Putin Regime In Effort ‘To Have Me Imprisoned And Killed’ – IOTW Report

Anti-Kremlin Banker: Fusion GPS Assisted Putin Regime In Effort ‘To Have Me Imprisoned And Killed’

Daily Caller: The target of a Fusion GPS opposition research investigation is accusing the firm, best known for its work on the Trump dossier, of assisting the Kremlin in its effort to have him “imprisoned and killed.”

The strong allegation comes from Bill Browder, a London-based banker who spearheaded the Magnitsky Act, a sanctions law vehemently opposed by the Russian government.

Browder made the allegation in response to the recent revelation that Fusion GPS and its founder Glenn Simpson compiled what he says is false information about him that was given to Yuri Chaika, Russia’s prosecutor general, and to Donald Trump Jr. during the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

“If it is true that Glenn Simpson was supplying information about me to the Russian government, it’s far more serious than smear campaigning or Foreign Agents Registration Act violations,” said Browder, the head of Hermitage Capital.

“It would mean that Simpson was assisting the Putin regime in their plot to get me back to Russia to have me imprisoned and killed.”

It was previously known that the Washington, D.C-based Fusion GPS’s investigation of Browder was beneficial to the Russian government and its effort to reverse the Magnitsky Act. But it was revealed only last week that information Fusion collected on Browder was shared directly with Chaika, whose position is the Russian equivalent of the U.S. attorney general.  read more 

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