Anti-Oil de Blasio Goes All-In On Fossil Fuels During Brutal Winter Storms – IOTW Report

Anti-Oil de Blasio Goes All-In On Fossil Fuels During Brutal Winter Storms

deblasio twitter

Daily Caller: New York City’s infamously anti-oil mayor advised people Saturday afternoon to keep warm inside their fossil fuel-powered homes during this weekend’s winter storm.

Bill de Blasio, a Democratic mayor and die-hard climate activist, told New York citizens on Twitter that they should stay inside their warm homes while the city is pelted with snow. New York gets nearly half of its energy from natural gas.

“A winter storm warning is officially in effect. Travel with caution. Head home if you can. Stay warm and check in on your neighbors,” de Blasio tweeted to his followers who are expecting snowstorms Saturday. Natural gas accounts for about 45 percent of New York’s entire energy mixture. Nuclear power is the second most at 31 percent.  more here

12 Comments on Anti-Oil de Blasio Goes All-In On Fossil Fuels During Brutal Winter Storms

  1. i’m surprised he didn’t order mandatory evacuations to designated shelters in the city for everybody to huddle and keep warm using body temp as the main source of heat.

  2. I’m sure this Communist parasite has plenty of gas and electricity at Gracie Mansion that he no doubt shares with the needy…
    Insert long eye-roll here.

    Hey Warren! If it ever bugs you to use so much energy to support yer lavish life-style I will gladly show you how to turn it off!

  3. “… Democratic mayor and die-hard climate activist …”

    BOTH designations (intentionally) misleading.

    “Democratic” has as much to do with “democracy” as “processed” does with cheese.
    And “climate activist” is a euphemism for “nihilistic/socialist totalitarian.”
    He has (I am fairly certain) no understanding of organic chemistry and cannot conceptualize the origins of the chemical bonds and the Coulombic forces which are released through the oxidation process.

    He is a blustering bullshitter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The nuclear plant that supplies 31% of the energy is scheduled to close (due to the activity of other environmental wacos). Don’t worry though, the energy will come from some magical future process.

  5. Sorry Duh – blase – oh: that oil was earmarked for use in 10mpg, V-8 powered pickups, and NASCAR. 😀

    You and New Yawkistan can just think ‘warm thoughts’ until June. :flipoff:

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