Anti-Trump ad features a man lying about voting for Trump in 2016 – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump ad features a man lying about voting for Trump in 2016

What a pantload –

The NY Times had to issue a correction about this liar. He’s been profiled as a Trump supporter who has flipped because “Trump is just for Trump.”

Never happened.

ht/ nm

13 Comments on Anti-Trump ad features a man lying about voting for Trump in 2016

  1. Anti-Trump ad … liar …

    Kinda goes together like ham and cheese … peanut butter and jelly … ice cream and apple pie … moslems and terror …

    Get to the point that you sort of expect it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The left has been deploying everything from their bag of tricks that usually works, but they all have failed, which sends the left into deeper depression and psychosis.

    Pray for the President every day as these people get more desperate.

  3. “Voting for Donald Trump in 2020 would be like putting gasoline on a fire.”

    Which is exactly why I’m voting for him again. He started a fire and needs our help to make it spread!

  4. Know what has to scare them even more?

    That they can’t find a genuine registered republican with a consistent history of voting, including 2016, who’ll go on camera making the same claim.

  5. The typical democrat voter these days is the kind of woman who gets impregnated by the biggest scumbag in town who everyone knows is a lying sack of shit, but she falls for it anyway, because she’s a hopeless dumb cunt who’ll never grow wiser, ever.

  6. In Michigan a similar ad has been running. A woman claims her and her husband voted for Trump but the high cost of prescriptions or health care makes them feel bad that they did. The ad was the work of AB Foundation. I saw American Bridge on this video. They appear to be a pack of liars, blaming Trump for the Obamacare debacle. The problem is the democrat base is stupid enough to believe this shit.

  7. If Dems told the truth it would sound like…. We want complete control of your money, your thoughts, where you live, what you eat. If you vote Trump 2020, you keep control. Orange man bad!


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