Anti-Trump Ads Are Paid For By Same 501(c) Running Anti-Cruz Ads – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump Ads Are Paid For By Same 501(c) Running Anti-Cruz Ads

Who are they for? Rubio?

Sherri says she was scammed by Trump University

These videos are paid for by the America Future Fund.

They attack Cruz HERE

8 Comments on Anti-Trump Ads Are Paid For By Same 501(c) Running Anti-Cruz Ads

  1. Their web site dumps on Kasich as well. Their web site contains very little information on what they do, who they are, who funds. Since they have trashed 3 of the 4 remaining candidates that only leaves Rubio or the 2 Demwits to support.

  2. Our UPS guy was a Ranger. His father is a Chief. (Bad Ass Seal). The rest of the fam damily are Seals. It’s safe to say our driver can’t swim, lol. That’s what I tell him. The black sheep. To a man, all Trump. Built a 308 platform gun for a quite young man about a year ago. After the build he brought me a Navy Seal flag. It hangs in our gun room. Trump. I wonder if this guy means special like in short bus?

  3. Establipublicans the old ‘new world order’ club. Jeb, Rubio or Hillary gang. If someone out side their system wins they will lose money. People that make you want to scream “f*ck! how could I be so stupid”, the neo-neocons that want to continue to rule everything you see, eat, feel, do, and believe.

  4. Jagpald,
    “Establipublicans”. I like that. A mouthful, but I like that. More wordy than “GOPe” and “RINO”, but another arrow to put in the word quiver. May I?

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