Anti-Trump hashtag leads to calls for boycott against California restaurant – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump hashtag leads to calls for boycott against California restaurant


A restaurant in California got a little too spicy for some of its followers while showing off its food on social media.

Industrial Eats, a restaurant in Buellton, Calif., is facing a backlash after posting a picture of dish — suckling pig with refried beans and Mexican rice — along with a hashtag reading “#f—Trump.” The post also carries the hashtags #grandroomdinners, #suckilingpig and “#chileverde.

But for some social media users, the Trump-themed hashtag was a step too far for the establishment.

The post reportedly appeared on the restaurant’s Facebook page, though it has since been deleted. It still appears, however, on the restaurant’s Twitter and Instagram accounts. Both posts have received a large number of responses, many from angered customers claiming that they will never eat there again.

Unfortunately, many customers weren’t laughing. One user tweeted, “I would never eat at an establishment so full of hate. Imagine the perfidy and what you lunatics do to customer’s food.”

Industrial Eats’ owner, Jeff Olsson, spoke with KSBY 6 in California, saying, “To say that our restaurant is not political is to not open your eyes.”


18 Comments on Anti-Trump hashtag leads to calls for boycott against California restaurant

  1. “Industrial Eats’ owner, Jeff Olsson, spoke with KSBY 6 in California, saying, “To say that our restaurant is not political is to not open your eyes.”

    Yes, YES! That’s the way, boy! Give full vent to your morally outraged spleen! You go right ahead and double down, Jeffy, you precious starfish snowflake, and insult your remaining customer base! That’s Business 101 right there!

  2. If they’d put their politics onto the menu, they’d put them into the food.
    NO doubt about it.

    They should hang a sign: “Eat At Your Own Risk”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t want people that think like that anywhere near my food. Just look at the grubby motherf#ckers out on the streets protesting and you’ll see who is handling the food. I hope the assholes are shuttered within a week.

  4. IF you live near it. You should goto that place.

    Be the worst customer EVER! Be like those libshits that find fault with everything about your meal. demand it be vegan. even if its meat! demand the water be not tap water!

    go crazy! let your inner retard out.

  5. Actually Jeff Olsson, it has opened my eyes and closed my wallet to businesses like yours. You should take the hint from The Little Red Hen and what will happen to your business. I’m very careful these days as to who I do business with.

  6. Specialties of the House: “Puckered Assholes” and “Reggie’s Chocolate Starfish” along with side orders of “Flaming Obola Micro-Balls,” “Raging Leftist Hypocrisies of Sole,” and “Sautéd Fetus.”

    A culinary delight for nihilists, socialists, progressives, communists, demonrats … whatever they call themselves on any particular day …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I know there are some wonderful conservative people in California, but a dark thought overcame me when I got behind a car today with California license plates (in Texas).

  8. The left never live up to patronizing a place because of politics. Don’t know why, but they are all hat and no cattle when it comes to this.

    We have had at least 1/2 dozen restaurants featured here lately that went out of biz because of it. I expect this one to suffer some. He’ll probably be proud if he went out of biz for this “right” reason.

    Chick-Fil-A grew because conservatives actually do follow through and leave if it supports something that is against them and switch to a conservative minded alternative.

    Two examples – I haven’t even considered buying anything made by Levi’s since I found out they are anti-2A.

    Ben & Jerry’s on sale? Nope. Not going to happen.

    I’m sure I’m not alone.

    Is anyone here giving anti-2A Yeti coolers any money for anything?

    Dick’s Sporting Goods?


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