Anti-Trump Journalist Admits He Fabricated a Fake Trump Quote – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump Journalist Admits He Fabricated a Fake Trump Quote

A lie travels halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on.


In a now-deleted tweet, Bremmer falsely claimed that President Trump said “Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden,” during his recent trip to Japan.

Jerry Dunleavy-

@ianbremmer has now admitted that he fabricated this viral Trump quote. And yet it is being shared by journalists and congressmen as if it is real.

Sean Ehrlich@SeanDEhrlich-

He’s now saying he purposefully made up the quote to prove how easy it to spread fake info on twitter or some such nonsense. Very irresponsible given the size and composition of his audience.


The left will now include this in their asinine arsenal against Trump.

After all, Palin can see Russia from her porch, amirite?



15 Comments on Anti-Trump Journalist Admits He Fabricated a Fake Trump Quote

  1. Must be my dyslexia, I thought the quote said;
    “Kim Jong Un said he is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden,”
    I totally bought that !

  2. 2 things that immediately struck me; Why the uncharacteristic candor, his sudden misplaced pangs of guilt at something he routinely indulges in, and the fact that his reach around butt buddies in the media would question him in the first place.

    Lies like this are like flies on a dog; pervasive and routine to the point that nobody notices anymore, and certainly not worth going all prim and proper and actually fact check a fellow prevaricator.

  3. So if this guy is a journalist who admitted starting an incendiary lie about the President (although it could be any high ranking public figure) why does he still have an active twitter account? Strikes me that not deleting his account will just encourage others to do the same. Doesn’t Twitter care about it’s reputation? Maybe GAB is a better way.

  4. CNN had a comment about “how easily manipulated the president is” when it should be how easily the liberal press can be manipulated !! Do they check any sources before running with a story ?


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