Anti-Zionist Professor Gets Hit in Head With Chair During Live Broadcast – IOTW Report

Anti-Zionist Professor Gets Hit in Head With Chair During Live Broadcast

18 Comments on Anti-Zionist Professor Gets Hit in Head With Chair During Live Broadcast

  1. Aww, poor baby. He was blindsided. That must have wrung his bell. But that need to be comforted by clinging to his teddy-bear friend was endearing.

  2. Searched “Amir Hetsroni” after watching (thinking it was probably that big guy in the middle). Nope! It was the girl(?) with the long hair and blue blouse on the left. Whoa! Hod Awmighty……..DAMN!!!

    Learn something new every day.

  3. My Give-A-Fuck meter is pegged on zero fucks given. Hope the guy didn’t infect any innocent people with the AIDS ridden blood trickling outta his cracked coconut.

  4. Lefty didn’t look like a rocket scientist before the chair to the face, but he definitely got a lot more Retard & Faggot after the impact.

    10 out of 10

  5. I’d like to buy the goy/guy that threw the chair a beer. Good throw!


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