Antifa ATTACK – Top Official Brutally Assaulted! – IOTW Report

Antifa ATTACK – Top Official Brutally Assaulted!


A member of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) and former candidate in the French parliamentary elections, was attacked over the weekend and viciously beaten by a group of far-left Antifa extremists.

The attack took place in the city of Bordeaux in western France on Friday night into early Saturday morning and saw former legislative candidate Pierre Le Camus and his brother attacked by a group of around thirty to forty Antifa militants in the centre of the city, it is claimed.

At around 1 am, Mr Le Camus, 22, was sitting on the terrace of a local cafe along with his brother and a group of friends and claimed that initially, only two people approached him.

“I was standing drinking a beer with my brother and a friend while the rest of our group was seated. Two people approached and began to have a threatening attitude towards us, saying ‘you don’t know who we are but we know very well who you are’,” Le Camus told the newspaper, Le Figaro.


10 Comments on Antifa ATTACK – Top Official Brutally Assaulted!

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  2. @Heatsync July 13, 2022 at 10:58 pm

    > According to Jerry Nadler, Antifa is “just a myth”, so this clearly couldn’t have happened.

    According to Jerry Nadler, so is The Joker.

  3. ANTIFA was originally a Stalinist organization – founded to intimidate and assassinate opponents (and neutrals) of the Inter-National Brand of Socialism.
    Chances are it hasn’t “evolved” from its origins.

    ANTIFA needs to be destroyed – root and branch – death and pain are all they understand.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Aaron Burr….I need a score card to keep all these jackasses straight. July 14, 2022 at 5:40 am

    > Joker Joker or Mexican Joker? One of them is clearly worse.

    Worse!? You get what you Constitutionally deserve!

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