Antifa attacks a Christian group that gathered to pray – IOTW Report

Antifa attacks a Christian group that gathered to pray

On Saturday in Portland, antifa gathered to violently shut down a Christian group that gathered to pray. Antifa can be seen pulling apart the speaker equipment. An attendee told me children & families were attacked. Police were called but didn’t respond.

21 Comments on Antifa attacks a Christian group that gathered to pray

  1. Americans have become too fat, lazy, and addicted to their phones to fight back. These creeps will walk all over you. And you will just accept it. No one is going to fight back.

  2. It’s probably certain there were armed Christians there, but who wants to kill someone in front of their or others’ children if you can help it?

    If God is for us, who can be against us? It’s not a silly, rhetorical question. God will have his vengeance in due course. In the meantime we don’t cower in our basements, at least.

  3. If you know anyone who is in Anti-Fa or sympathizes with them, you should at least draw up a plan on how to kill them with extreme prejudice, should the need arise. These people are literally demonic scum.

  4. @AnonTrooper
    “I wouldn’t try that where I go to church, they’d be likely to get shot.”
    I think it’s just a matter of time before it starts to happen. Maybe not much time, either.

  5. Christians need to get a clue! When going to a spiritual war zone like Portland, DO NOT take your minor children. They will get hurt in harms way. Christ NEVER called for that.

    The Disciples of Christ took weapons and were fit for battle/defense and told by Christ to walk away from those who won’t receive them as they evangelize the Gospel.

    This mamby pamby, “better than Christ” prideful, lamb to the slaughter behavior by believers has got to stop!

  6. I’m sure they will dentist all the fascists through photos and surveillance videos (just like Jan 6th) and lock them up. Don’t go to these hell hole cities. No vacations, conventions, or money spent. Let them fall into rubble until the leaders wake up.

  7. If those who are attacked for whatever reason they better not complain about anything at any time if they don’t fight back. One good kick to a lowlife’s head can stop all of them. Since cops don’t respond, then it’s all the more merriment in defending oneself.


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