ICYMI- Antifa Bike Lock Attacker Arrested, Held On $200,000 Bail – IOTW Report

ICYMI- Antifa Bike Lock Attacker Arrested, Held On $200,000 Bail

We covered when 4chan and Reddit users identified the masked bike lock assaulter. Finally, authorities have caught up with amateur investigators and did their job.

Berkeley police located former Diablo Valley College instructor Eric Clanton in Oakland, CA and have arrested him for three alleged assaults with a U-shaped bike lock on April 15th. He was booked Wednesday evening and is being held on $200,000 bail.


19 Comments on ICYMI- Antifa Bike Lock Attacker Arrested, Held On $200,000 Bail

  1. This was definitely a Feel Good Friday piece of news.

    Thought he could anonymously and viciously attack people with his concealed weapon? He needs to go back to school.

  2. Good for 4Chan. Love it! Patriot civilians doing the work the Berkeley police did not want to do, or were ordered not to do.

    $200k bail seems low for 3 attempted murders. And Attempted Murder should be the charge, and the bail should be much higher. This perp is a flight risk. In a sane world no Bondsman would run the risk.

    By now this cretin has probably discovered that Soros does not pay Bail.
    The fantasy world he has been sold, in which he’s a Heroic Freedom Fighter, is hard to maintain in Hotel Graybar. I’ll bet he’s learned squeal like a baby girl by now. And cries a lot.

    New Sheriff. New Rules. Spread the word.

    Make an example of this termite. Moldylocks, too. Publicize the hell out of it.
    Antifa will collapse like a stomped-on balloon.

    Oh, and I hope he’s in General Population with the real badasses. Let him begin some real “education”.

    The Left has no future in our country.
    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  3. And if it wasn’t for the private citizens taking the initiative and doing the work to identify this POS he would be, as obama’s good buddy bill ayers said, “guilty as hell, free as a bird”.

  4. If he gets found guilty and remember, this is Berkeley he’ll stand convicted of three felonies for assault (whatever degree the DA decides) and his professional life as a teacher is over. He won’t be able to travel as most countries will not allow him entry, employment checks will turn up the convictions etc etc. Hell, his professional life is over and he’ll be lucky to avoid jail (Berkeley) and the jobs he may be able to land are going to be pretty bad. Hope he bitches and complains about this to all his revolutionary pals every time he sees them.

  5. I’m going to take a look at this Berkleyside paper…Just for shitz & Giggles. Also wondering where Berkley hires its police from ??? Out of work guys from the Flower mart.?

  6. I looked at several videos of the four bike lock attacks and my first thought was this is not his first rodeo.This is a person who has had a lot of practice and likely professional training. Anyone struck in the head with that much force will likely have lifelong issues.

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