Antifa Dirtbag Says “Please Arrest Me LMAO” – Police Comply – IOTW Report

Antifa Dirtbag Says “Please Arrest Me LMAO” – Police Comply

Here’s another example of leftwing violence that flew under the radar at the time. But they’re not a violent mob over there on the left. no no no.

18 Comments on Antifa Dirtbag Says “Please Arrest Me LMAO” – Police Comply

  1. He’s still in jail because he can’t come up with the money to pay a $500 bond, or what should be about one-third, or $167. I guess the 20 bucks he got from Soros wasn’t enough after all. LMFAO!!!

  2. From what I could tell, he did not actually get hit but actually ducked RATHER well and quite FAST.

    He could not even fight back either as he would have been on the ground within seconds because of the MOB.

    Pay no attention to your lying eyes…or

    “The (Democratic) party told you to reject the evidence of your Eyes and Ears.” – ‘1984’ by George Orwell


  3. This guy’s action photo should truly become the Time Life Magazine cover photo of the year, boasting of leftist Racism. Kent State is feeling familliar again thanks to their Historical dislike of the Black Race, too bad Black’s can’t see through them, because they are wearing ” Free Shit Binders “.

  4. George Soros and his bank account are the root cause of the widening split in America today. If he were to leave the scene I suspect that left would stop the combative and hateful tactics they are using.

  5. Chance October 22, 2018 at 5:57 pm

    He’s still in jail because he can’t come up with the money to pay a $500 bond,

    He also doesn’t know anyone that thinks he’s worth $500 out of jail.

  6. That’s what I saw too. In Cali I think you only pay 10% of the bond. 50 bucks. So NO ONE in this guys life is willing to spend 50 bucks to get him out of jail.


  7. Maxwell has a brass set, walking into that rabid rat nest the way he did. Kudos, sir.

    I hope the puncher is getting his ass reamed by large violent cons in jail. Repeatedly. At least his mom can clean her basement now.


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