REBEL NEWS: When is a deadline not a deadline? When that deadline is issued by the City of Toronto to Antifa-types who are occupying a public park and breaking numerous laws – that’s when.
Alas, the rank and file thugs who make up Afro Indigenous Rising — the same squatters who finally moved out of Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square after occupying the premises for three long, smelly, filthy weeks — well, simply moved uptown to Dufferin Grove Park. That’s where this motley crew of perpetually-angry social justice warriors and their useful idiots (namely, homeless people, drug addicts, and the mentally ill) are now squatting. Still.
What’s that you say? You heard they were given trespass notices on Monday with orders to vamoose within 72 hours? True enough, but despite a considerable police and security presence at Dufferin Grove Park on Thursday, it was all show, no go.
Such is life in the sanctuary city that is John Tory’s Toronto. more
Poor Garrett…….gone to soon.
Poor Garrett’s mommy. Although she finally gets her basement back.
…they interfered with a fire call, and Toronto PD stood down.
Jesus, how do you even HAVE firemen and policemen any more?
…but Toronto city government is content simply that “the fire incident did not escalate”.
But if no one even got TO it, how do you even know what was BURNING?
Was it toxic?
Was it private property?
Was it a baby?
…when lawbreakers protect something, it’s probably for a REASON…
…also, anyone inventory the TRUCK?
…don’t know about Toronto, but back in the day we used the WHOLE truck. We stored axes in pockets on the cab and rear fenders, pike poles and roof hooks in clamps on top, rescue supplies under the bell on the front bumper, and ALL the compartments on the outside, filled with rescue tools, forcible entry tools, paramedic jump bags, etc., that were NOT locked for emergency access, and folks were just milling around this unwatched and uncontrolled?
TorOnto FD, have fun, but I do not envy you…
Squatters is the perfect word to be used to describe these antifa pigs.
Lemme see if I got this right…STD ridden antifa has taken over STD tent city toilets in Toronto?
Has anything changed???
Not sure but I think that Foster asshole was punked by a lady.
The only good communist is a dead communist.
Life is good until someone shits in YOUR rose garden.
Kevin R, General Phil Sheridan said the same thing about injuns just like General Jack D Ripper from Dr. Strangelove said about commies.
Are you guys starting to understand what stupidity I live with up here in TO.
Kcir – (Trudeau, prime minister blackface 3 times) JULY 27, 2020 AT 1:34 PM
“Are you guys starting to understand what stupidity I live with up here in TO.”
…guess I’m just surprised to hear you have enough Black people to populate an “Afro Indigenous Rising”, unless you have the kind run and staffed by White people like “Black Lives Matter” is in the States…
They will all be gone when winter hits Toronto (and every other place where it gets freezing cold).
Nobody doing anything? Does this mean that all those lumberjacks up there really are the Monty Python variety?
In the shitter where they belong.