Is that pic of Allah? Ya know what happens when you do that…
So if slaves were still part of Southern culture, they’d be OK? Damn that Abe Lincoln!!!
Wow! That nailed it.
Don’t ask me how, but I sense the wheels are about to come off the antifa wagon.
Antifa is planning a major event November 4th. They are declaring it the start of the next Civil War. If we start shooting back that WILL be the end of Antifa. On Nov. 5th.
@ Brad
Exactly! A few days ago there was a thread here discussing the possible civil war as described in some guy’s youtube video. My response was “What happens in the second week?”.
The ignorance is too deep and too institutionalized in America today to be great again I’m afraid.
I was thinking Nov 5th would be parade day for the victory over anTEEfa. But I guess another day to make the floats is in order.
@Dadof4 – No need for floats, just a line of low boy semis all honking their “Dixie” horns as they granny gear through town, loaded with masked, black-clad corpses.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November.
And I’ll drive around with a car door full of Antifa Flag Stickers on it just like they used to do in WWII on fighter planes.
> The ignorance is too deep and too institutionalized in America today to be great again I’m afraid.
Just like a good forest fire: burn the institution right down to the ground, and you’ll be amazed at what blooms with the darkness gone.
Hypocrisy or Ignorance?
I’m beginning to think they’re too fucking stupid to be hypocrites. Their “leaders” perhaps are, but the morons on the streets? Naw, they’re dumber than dirt.
izlamo delenda est …
That couldn’t be Mohammed, the slave ‘wife’ is way too old.
Is that pic of Allah? Ya know what happens when you do that…
So if slaves were still part of Southern culture, they’d be OK? Damn that Abe Lincoln!!!
Wow! That nailed it.
Don’t ask me how, but I sense the wheels are about to come off the antifa wagon.
Antifa is planning a major event November 4th. They are declaring it the start of the next Civil War. If we start shooting back that WILL be the end of Antifa. On Nov. 5th.
@ Brad
Exactly! A few days ago there was a thread here discussing the possible civil war as described in some guy’s youtube video. My response was “What happens in the second week?”.
The ignorance is too deep and too institutionalized in America today to be great again I’m afraid.
The Mohammad Image Gallery: as drawn my Muslims
I was thinking Nov 5th would be parade day for the victory over anTEEfa. But I guess another day to make the floats is in order.
@Dadof4 – No need for floats, just a line of low boy semis all honking their “Dixie” horns as they granny gear through town, loaded with masked, black-clad corpses.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November.
And I’ll drive around with a car door full of Antifa Flag Stickers on it just like they used to do in WWII on fighter planes.
Just like this:
5 kills and I’ll be considered an “ace”.
Can you imagine a door full of these in 2″ x 3″ sticker format after the shit hits the fan?
Someone wanna make some of these up for me? Hell, I might do it myself.
@JustAl September 6, 2017 at 9:17 pm
> The ignorance is too deep and too institutionalized in America today to be great again I’m afraid.
Just like a good forest fire: burn the institution right down to the ground, and you’ll be amazed at what blooms with the darkness gone.
Hypocrisy or Ignorance?
I’m beginning to think they’re too fucking stupid to be hypocrites. Their “leaders” perhaps are, but the morons on the streets? Naw, they’re dumber than dirt.
izlamo delenda est …
That couldn’t be Mohammed, the slave ‘wife’ is way too old.