Antifa in Downtown Durham – IOTW Report

Antifa in Downtown Durham

ht/ 99th Squad Leader

22 Comments on Antifa in Downtown Durham

  1. The Sheriff doesn’t know about any permits for this large gathering of lofos and refers to the city. Meanwhile, individual conservatives get shut down without permits on spot for handing out copies of the constitution.

  2. want some hilarity …. when you see Pravda play the video of the idiots taking down the statue in Durpham, watch towards the end & watch the dweeb w/ the blue shirt & shorts come into the screen & stomp on the statue … I swear he hurts himself doing it, & runs off to weez against the statue pedestal … classic pajama boy

  3. Durham County government offices have been closed, city government is open for now, downtown streets are shut down and none of the anarchists have permits – they are defacing monuments. Sheriffs and police officers are just standing around monitoring the situation.
    A rumor was started, more than likely by the antifa that the Klan was going to be in downtown Durham. Any excuse to hold the city hostage.
    Durham, NC has been overrun by Northern progressives, gays, and anarchists for quite sometime.

  4. We are long past the time that all federal funds should be withheld from these sleep little colleges (and their towns) who don’t protect everyone’s civil rights.

    You can be a sanctuary city or a leftwing encampment or you can get your federal student loans,etc. But you aren’t getting both.

    Cut these commies off at their tiny nutsacks. Unite the Right. Eunuch the Left.

  5. Democrat run states, cities and counties have been the incubator for leftist violence since Obama’s rise to power. The Occupy Wall Street movement was only successful in cities that enabled them. The same with Black Lives Matter and violence against Republicans and Trump supporters. When OWS shouted “This is what democracy looks like!”, it really is the Democrat’s vision of democracy. If you can’t win at the polls, take the streets.

    I always felt that if Obama’s handlers could not maintain control of the country, they would be content with the parts they could control. It is ironic that they are attacking Confederate symbols as they position to do the very same thing the Confederate states did.

    Remember, these are the same people who were more than willing to blow up not only the US economy, but the entire world economy, just to get their man in the White House.

  6. Jerry – I would prefer to see sarin of VX gas dropped on these bastards. Only problem – they wouldn’t suffer much. Oh well, just a thought. You might have the better idea.

  7. Anyone else notice that we have now “progressed” to the point that ANY rally in support of the president, or against destruction of patriotic monuments is now described as either a “white-nationalist” or a “white supremist” demonstration, in the MSM (including Fox).

  8. So we are suppose to believe that a bunch of 20 something slackers woke up, remembered their grade school history and decided to do something about it? Looks more like someone wasn’t following the script and the KKK/Nazi actors missed their cue. Maybe their bus got a flat or something. Good help is hard to find.

  9. My brother bought me a Trump hat during the campaign. I have never worn it, not a hat wearer (except for knit hats in the winter) but you know, I think I might wear it next time I go to the “big city.” So if you see a fat, white “skinhead” (I’ve explained that before) granny on the news, it might be me.

  10. Anything that Africans have ever done or touched in this country is now subject to dismantling as they participated in the slavery trade at the first and worst end of the trade! They ‘captured’ and ‘sold’ their fellow Africans into worldwide slavery for a mess of Muslim potage! All races have been slaves at one time or another but to actually sell fellow citizens into bondage to other nations knowing what they were in for is inexcusable and the worst kind of sub human activity! Shame on Africa!

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