Antifa Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman Fights Like an Antifa Girl – IOTW Report

Antifa Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman Fights Like an Antifa Girl

29 Comments on Antifa Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman Fights Like an Antifa Girl

  1. Always bring a ZIPPO for their flags….

    “Curious”, ain’t it, how the police wait until AFTER all the antifa taunting to interfere – and then, only to bother the ANTI-antifa guy.

  2. Groucho thanks for posting the body cam link, that was sweet! I like that little fuck with the flag saying WTF after his antifa gets his/her/its ass kicked. I guess he didn’t get the memo that our side will fight back and with greater force than they can inflict.

  3. Is that antifag?
    Back in the 60’s my father taught the local youth in my area how to fight.
    He said 12 year old boys should not ‘slap like a girl’ or ‘windmill’ there punches.
    After 6 weeks we at least looked like we could fight.
    My father wanted to show us unarmed hand to hand combat techniques but mom said no.

  4. Is there an Antifa training video somewhere that teaches these children the magical power of the f-bomb?
    Maybe it is just the thrill of saying something outside that moms would never allow in the house.

  5. If you removed all the F words from what that thing was saying–there wouldn’t be much coming out. In other words, there was no argument! Talk about overusing a word!

  6. Well that was enjoyable over my first cup of coffee of the day. “Get off her! Get off her!” LOL! That’s all that “it” could say was “F” “F” “F”. Oh you’re such a big it! Acting all big and mean in front of your nasty ass friends. Ever wonder where these people are going to be at 40 years from now? Glad I won’t be around to see their suffering.

  7. Why do most of these protesters look like they just arrived from the Island of Dr. Moreau? What a crying shame that a man dressing up as a girl couldn’t fight any better than a girl. Seeing this makes me thank God up above I had some male family members who taught me how to throw a punch and defend myself.

  8. What a confused group.
    A man who wants to be a women acting like a women who wants to be a man, both of whom hate men, yet the only real man behaved like a man standing his ground and reacting only when he needed to defend himself and then did so like a man.
    Fuck the left!

  9. “…Island of Dr Moreau”.

    Perfect. @Crystal, you’ve won this thread.

    There’s an entire generation of boys now who grew up in Single Mommy households.
    Their Moms raised them as pseudo-daughters.
    They’ve never been in a fistfight, or even a healthy playground shoving match, in their entire short little lives.

  10. Of course this happened in Portland. The cops had to consult their Progressive scorecard to determine who had more “points” before they could make an arrest; white tranny liberal, or black conservative anti-antifa. Were the cops trans-phobic or racist? Tough call.

  11. A dude pretending he’s a girl, thinks he’s a man, steps up to another dude, and gets his sissy boy ass kicked. The mind reels. And the Antifa freaks are yelling, “Get off her”. Why weren’t they telling “her” not to take a swing at a man. I am tired of women thinking they can be violent towards men and then pull the “you can’t hit me I’m a woman” card. When men pretending to be women do this, it is even more ridiculous.

  12. Teaching VBS this week and I have eight five-year-old boys in my group. They wrestle and play fight all morning, and one little player kisses all the girls (who are more than willing.) Maybe there’s hope after all.

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