Antifa Moron Lays in Street to Block Police on Bicycles.. see what happens – IOTW Report

Antifa Moron Lays in Street to Block Police on Bicycles.. see what happens

This is hilarious.

The cop mountain bikes directly over his goofy head.

35 Comments on Antifa Moron Lays in Street to Block Police on Bicycles.. see what happens

  1. The cops in this situation, are being forced into battle to die for no reason.
    The mayor and Council should be hung from lampposts and then dumped in the landfill, for doing this to these policemen.

  2. Anonymous
    SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AT 12:31 PM
    “The cops in this situation, are being forced into battle to die for no reason.”


    Pull the cops. Cut the local cell towers.

    The situation will be resolved by sunrise…

  3. Just last month, they were throwing motorcycles in front of pickup trucks, now they’re throwing dummies in front of bicycles? That doesn’t seem like progress to me, Antifa. Cash flow problems? Trying to expand too fast? Poor recruiting and not enough training? Whatever. I’d go on strike, Volkssturmers.

    SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AT 1:09 PM
    “@SNS ~ don’t forget to take out the grid in that area … no recharging of their phones will take care of it before sunrise”

    ..good, but they still have cars, their fake “medics” probably hand out Soros financed extended battery packs, and there’s probably a 120 volt generator on the Antifa food trucks, so you’re gonna have to shut it ALL down for a bit, just long enough to TRULY take care of business, a half-hour or so could do,a little longer if you’ve got dogs to train or want to give them a chance to run so you can try out your new scope…

  5. Unfortunately Officer Good Guy only walked his bike over the guy’s neck. At least they arrested him.

    @SNS. Yeah, my son, the officer, also thinks it would be effective if street cops took a two month vacay. I had suggested two weeks before his first riot duty and he didn’t really respond to it at the time, but saw how tied their hands are after that weekend.

    Police are the only thing keeping the citizens for cleaning up the streets themselves.

  6. Hmmm….

    “A current DHS official described a colleague with expertise in electronic surveillance who was being deployed to Portland. But for what purpose? “Extracting information from protester’s phones,” the DHS official said. While in Portland, an interagency task force involving DHS and the Justice Department used a sophisticated cell phone cloning attack—the details of which remain classified—to intercept protesters’ phone communications, according to two former intelligence officers familiar with the matter…Cell phone cloning involves stealing a phone’s unique identifiers and copying them to another device in order to intercept the communications received by the original device. The former intelligence officials described it as part of a “Low Level Voice Intercept” operation, declining to go into further detail—one of them citing the sensitive nature of the surveillance tool and the other an ongoing leak investigation within I&A.”

    Yeah, it’s The Nation, and “sources familiar with the matter”, but still…


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