ANTIFA Policing Their Thugs in Social Media- Stop Beating and Macing People That Don’t “Need” To Be – IOTW Report

ANTIFA Policing Their Thugs in Social Media- Stop Beating and Macing People That Don’t “Need” To Be

ANTIFA are terrorists, plain and simple. In one fell swoop they’ve admitted they are indiscriminately violent and that some people “need” to be beaten.

Sounds like FASCISM to me.

And then you have this a-hole –>

I guess the senator approves of ANTIFA and their organized militia–

5 Comments on ANTIFA Policing Their Thugs in Social Media- Stop Beating and Macing People That Don’t “Need” To Be

  1. Those comical clowns trying to fly through the air in their granny’s black leotards should not be glorified as ‘terrorists’ but who actually are nothing more then society’s rejects, failures, and squatters. They all should get a massive beat-down from street gangs for attempting to take over their turfs and drug-selling rackets. The auntee foo-foo’s also have a long and hidden rep for hating all non-whites, especially against blacks which is why the foo-foo’s violently destroyed black nabes and small businesses last year and underhandedly, the present. Many of those squatters are responsible for violent assaults such as pushing people onto subway tracks, robbing homeless beggars, engaging in knockoout attacks against the elderly and handicapped and numerous other assaults foo-foo’s typically blame blacks for.

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