Antifa Wimps Out IN D.C. After Being Unmasked – IOTW Report

Antifa Wimps Out IN D.C. After Being Unmasked

Yesterday was the “Mother of All Rallies” of Trump supporters in the nation’s capital. Of course idiots self identifying as antifa showed up with their faces covered ready to attack the peaceful assembly. The potential attackers however backed down and behaved when D.C. police forced them to uncover their faces.  More

14 Comments on Antifa Wimps Out IN D.C. After Being Unmasked

  1. If we would spend maybe 30 mins/day calling, emailing, writing letters to the editor(s), to register our complete understanding that antifa is nothing more than an outlaw group of fascist thugs who want to harm law-abiding Americans, this shit would end. The powers that be could not ignore the outcry against it.

    I’m using my time well in the runup to the ’18 elections because all those useless people in Congress care only about one thing and they are totally freaking out right now, as they should.

  2. There was a casualty at the Shapiro event in Berkeley. A middle aged women with a Pro Benny sign was gang tackled by a bunch of these ass holes, punched, kicked, and stabbed in the neck. Her stabbing has been ignored by the media. Antifa should be shot on sight.

  3. “Americans” have been and may they always be free to demonstrate for, against, or other politically in our country as long as they are citizens and participate in America’s form of government.

    Anyone who attempts to subvert, coerce, or otherwise undermines that process should be subject to the due process of law INCLUDING the right to see who is speaking out at anytime. Masks or deceptive devices should not be allowed.

    Thanks to whoever managed to finally curtail these idiots.

  4. Local ordinance here says no face covering during marches, rallies etc. No sticks or poles for your cute little signs you carry either.

    What was funny was watching all FOUR of the Klan that got a permit to march down the main drag of the old part of town years ago. Probably two thousand or so catcalling and booing from the sidewalks.

    The funny part was with the no ‘face covering’ rule their hoods were pulled up in front. They looked like the Flying Nun! No shit!

    Me and a few LEO’s up on a parking deck watching the moron show sort of lost it when we noticed that. Don’t remember who pointed it out but it might have been me. I think I was called a few bad names for making them lose their decorum.

  5. I was there on the Mall yesterday. Not a massive DC police presence, and Antifa folded like the pussyboys they are. A couple cops gave the masks-off instruction. The black-hooded betas complied meekly. After standing around uncomfortably, surrounded by actual Americans, they mostly slunk away. A couple took their Commie Antifa flag on a sulky stroll around the Mall, masks off, the flag corner dragging in the dirt, oblivious.

    Lots of black and Latino Trump supporters present. A nice cross section of this region.
    The multiracial turnout posed camera problems for the MSM, who kept shifting around trying to get angles where they could make the crowd look all-White.

    Good for the soul to be among my fellow Americans, all colors, all walks of life.

    The Left is a small and weak minority. They had the time.
    Now it’s time to eradicate The Left. Most are just simpleminded and weak lost souls. They can be de-programmed and may go on to lead useful productive lives as functioning Americans.

    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  6. Some years back when I lived in North Carolina, I was aware of the no masks law. There were only two exceptions: Halloween and similar benign celebrations, and union goons. Yep, union goons can legally wear masks in public while engaging in their goonery.

  7. While there masks are off start a photo data base of who these little pricks are.
    Investigate them find out who they are where they live. Investigate there parents there
    friends and relatives. There schools

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