Antifag, with weighted glove, sucker punches a black man and knocks his teeth out – IOTW Report

Antifag, with weighted glove, sucker punches a black man and knocks his teeth out

Do I hear racial epithets being shouted?

ht/ c. steven tucker

49 Comments on Antifag, with weighted glove, sucker punches a black man and knocks his teeth out

  1. What a cool head this black dude is.

    Is anyone else hearing the sirens in the background and thinking what a joke blue city enforcement has become?

    Good citizens, you’re on your own.

  2. Brad has it right. Pick an asshole, freeze him, polarize him, ahhh, f—k that Alinsky shit; stalk him until he’s alone, dry-gulch him and pound him to a useless pulp who will never, ever have the urge or ability to bash the fash again.

  3. Thirdtwin

    If I hear one more so called conservative say “Don’t engage them, that’s what they want” I’m gonna shit Twinkies. As it turns out, that’s what I want too. In the words of one of my favorite gun trainers, Fuck This Shit.

  4. Same trainer use to say, “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. But most the time slow is just fucking slow”. An older MARSOC door kicker. He hurt his back and had to get out or he’d still be over there.

  5. Truth be known, all the tough talk on this thread doesn’t mean shit. It takes a law and order President to establish and enforce the eradication of these anti-social communist f*cks! God bless Donald J Trump!

  6. stirrin the pot

    That’s totally wrong and here’s why. STATES RIGHTS. And Trump can’t just march federal troops where ever the hell he wants. That’s been proven in Oregon, and Shitcago for that matter. It’s your ass. If you want to cave to these asshole that’s up to you. I say get organized and get on the God Damn offensive. Enoughs enough.

    Figures DOT boy would side with that passive shit.

  7. @Brad – “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. But most the time slow is just fucking slow”.

    I’ve seen Mike Tyson box … only fighter that literally scared the living shit out of me … smoothest, quickest puncher I ever witnessed … I was in awe of him

  8. Hey, the holidays are coming up…why can’t you all just get along? Be Thankful you don’t have ‘Rona and be good for Santa to bring you lots of stuff on Christmas.

    Plus, don’t make me come down there.


    I’m a YUGE Tyson fan. I never missed one of his fights. I follow him on Instagram. The guys has some amazing insight to confrontation. The mans far from stupid. Based on the video of some of his training sessions, I think he could win the belt today.

  10. @Brad – I didn’t say that the Feds have to come in and kick ass, I said it takes leadership from the TOP to set the tone for the rest of the country. So it takes BOTH Federal and state leadership, but without federal leadership, individual states are just that – divided states trying to do the right thing.

  11. Joe6
    Tyson’s latest bad ass quote. I just love this guy.

    “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it,”

  12. stirrin the pot

    Libtard States will not cooperate with the Trump Admin. Do you think anybody in Washington, Oregon, or Washington is going to cooperate with Trump? They’ve already proven they’re not. In fact I would argue it’s at the county level. Look at Denver. These are LE officials (DA’s) bought and paid for by Soros. It’s no secret. Add Baltimore, Washington D.C., Most of New Mexico to that list. If this were 1770 you’d be grabbing your musket. I think.

  13. @joe6 ~ “he’s big on punching someone in the face”

    yeah, well #1, it’s his job (or was … & he made a few $$$ on doing just that) … & #2, it sure is an instant attention grabber

    btw, PDT is a great counter-puncher

  14. One thing — I guess it’s good — is that as soon as conservative blacks start convincing their ‘hood brothers to come over to our side, we’ll have an army of people who know how to deal with antifa.

  15. Brad, you’re not paying attention to what I’m saying. Of course the Feds can’t do it on their own, BUT they can set the tone and tenor of policy. And in the case of loser states like Washington, Oregon, Illinois and others, they can enforce Federal laws that may be violated (e.g., destruction of federal buildings, structures, etc.). It’s not the cure all to end all, but it establishes consequences in cites that won’t punish communist/anarchist lawlessness. It’s not perfect, but it supersedes the Soros installed DA’s. Those cities and states don’t have any say-so over Federal crimes.

  16. stirrin the pot

    Ya know, you’re one of my fav peeps here. I am paying attention and get where your going with this. I just think you’re wrong. My opinion. I just think it’s high time to put an end to this shit. At the same time this is going on, one of those Black Wrapper assholes is typing on Twitter for white people get ready to die during the pending race war. Really? Lets see how that works out.

  17. Officer Brandon Tatum, ABL, Candace Owens will be on this Bigly by Sunday and Monday.

    The Skate boards are weapons that they club people with, just like bike locks. Time to confiscate them.

  18. Brad – I understand your frustration, I really do, and I want to take action to put an end to this shit too. My only point is, that while individual states can make/enforce laws that put an end to this communist/anarchist bullshit, they are just that – one, two, three, four or more, individual states doing the right thing. It’s a good good example to set for the rest of the states, but the country as a whole needs leadership from the top.

    Nuff said.

  19. I’m looking for the gun, but I don’t see it. At :22-:23 second mark the hooded faggot sucker punches the dude from behind, but I didn’t see the gun (for pistol whipping).

    At the :28-:29 second mark I see the faggot reach for something on his hip with his right hand, but then at the :30 second mark it looks like his second punch was with his left hand.

    I don’t know, maybe my vision is a little blurry at 11:30 on a Friday night.

  20. General Curtis Lemay was asked during WWII how the US could ever hope to defeat an enemy as fanatic as the Japanese. He told the reporter, “When you kill enough of them, they’ll stop fighting.” The firebombing of Japanese cities and the atom bombs followed. Surrender ensued!

  21. “Yup, it broke their will to fight. Everything else is pointless and endless battles. It’s that simple.”

    The whole fucking thing was pointless. After Guadalcanal (Feb 43) the Japs should have known it was over. Our lines of communication stretched 6000 miles (San Diego) while theirs (Rabaul), of only 650 miles, was tenuous, at best – AND they lost the island.

    Sometimes the fight’s the thing – in and of itself.

    izlamo delenda est …

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