Anxiety Book Author Aaron Gillies Threatens President Trump With Assault – IOTW Report

Anxiety Book Author Aaron Gillies Threatens President Trump With Assault

Dangerous: British writer Aaron Gillies, the author of books on coping with anxiety and mental illness, and self-described “anxious man,” is encouraging other British citizens to assault President Trump upon his visit to the UK.

Posting on Twitter under his username @TechnicallyRon, Gillies, who enjoys a popular following of 144,000 people called upon his fans in the United Kingdom to pelt the US President with bottles of urine.   more

21 Comments on Anxiety Book Author Aaron Gillies Threatens President Trump With Assault

  1. Lucky for him, because of the United States, his tweets are in English so I can read it. His comments throw piss on the graves of the ones who made that happen.

  2. “When Trump comes to the UK we should, as a population, put our differences aside, and be British about this, so in saying that, first one to twat him with a bottle of piss gets a pint,” wrote Gillies.

    Every so often there comes a time when you have to just stand aside and let a group of people have what they are truly asking for. When these euro-weenies are on their hands and knees being beheaded by illiterate, goat-humping, girl raping muslim savages and begging for help to save them, I for one will no longer feel any remorse. They had all the knowledge, tools and forewarning to avert this yet, like good lemmings chose to take the leap off the cliff.

    To all you morons on the left, I simply say, “BYE”.

  3. Funny you little bitch mother fuckers won’t protect your own women and children yet feel you can somehow get off assaulting OUR President??
    You will get fucked up!

  4. Not-so-great britain hasn’t been “british” for quite some time.

    As mentioned above they have been willingly invaded, placed their women, children, families, traditions and way of life in peril.

    By all means do not attempt to save yourselves and immigrate to the States.

  5. First of all, why would anybody want to be first, and win a pint of piss?
    Second, doesn’t that post fall under the ‘harmful to the community’ clause all those social media sites claim?

  6. “When Trump comes to the UK we should, as a population, put our differences aside, and be British about this, so in saying that, first one to twat him with a bottle of piss gets a pint,” wrote Gillies.

    Like all liberals, he wants to get others to do the dirty work. It’s clear, because he says he’ll give that person a pint.

    Chicken-gutted liberals.

  7. The last gaspings of a few of the mentally disturbed citizens of the once great country of England now slowly yet surely bowing down to it’s new master from the east, Islam. One can but hope that the takeover is a bloody affair for the new Master because of the few true Englishmen who would not bow down but follow Churchill’s advice given in a time of similar darkness.


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