Any Doubts Michael Cohen is a Sociopathic Liar? Watch This – IOTW Report

Any Doubts Michael Cohen is a Sociopathic Liar? Watch This

After the setup, Tucker goes into a list of refutations made by Cohen, under oath, that gave the left the sads.

Why was a dirtbag like Cohen on the stand at all? Because if Cohen backed up the left’s narrative he would be hailed as a truth teller!

What is he today, according to the left? Probably a liar.

We’re consistent. The left is not. They will use anyone, no matter how loathsome, as a means to further their agenda.

Cohen was, is, and will probably always be, a self-serving snake in the grass, even if he ended up helping Trump today.

The entire exercise was idiotic and a waste of time and energy.

Did the left actually believe that whatever this guy said it was going to lead to an impeachment? This dumpy, lying, hangdog-faced dope was going to take down the most powerful man in the world?

Yes, the left actually believed that. That is why they should never be in charge of anything. They are DUMB and unprincipled – a toxic mix.


11 Comments on Any Doubts Michael Cohen is a Sociopathic Liar? Watch This

  1. President Trump, you are awesome. You daily face these awful, treasonous people — and you still accomplish so many wonderful things for our country. Thank you for being our leader. We pray for you and believe in you. Stay your course!

  2. I don’t think they expect jail or impeachment out of Cohen’s testimony.

    I think they are just trying to make him the first president divorced while in office and fuck with his personal life because that will be a bigger distraction than anything else.

  3. You won’t see a single thread of fundamental decency from these vicious manure slingers in the democrat party. What you will and most often do see is the timid leadership of the republican party accept what’s being thrown and quietly shuffle off.
    It’s a behavioral pattern of long standing from the gutless party.

  4. The democRAT flop sweat is sooo obvious when all they got is this screw-worm turd fly for their shitty, shabby shit-show of shit-shows where the truth doesn’t matter so long as it sounds salacious.

  5. It sure seems to me that this guy (in some convoluted way) is on team Trump……. Blowing all of the democrat’s fighting points out of the water….. He just made this dog and pony show look like a …. well a… you know, dog and pony show. What’s not to like?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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