Anybody Catch What the Dad Says in This Depressing Clip? – IOTW Report

Anybody Catch What the Dad Says in This Depressing Clip?

20 Comments on Anybody Catch What the Dad Says in This Depressing Clip?

  1. So, anyone who objected to me referring to anyone who does not actively oppose progressivism as Satanists like to continue the conversation in context of this transparent sexual grooming of a child? Yes, I’m saying that there is not one single individual who does not distance themselves from progressivism who does not at this point recognize that this is nowhere even close to the fringe and is absolutely and unequivocally accepted as fully within the mainstream of progressivism at this point. If an individual supports moving the progressive movement in any way, shape or form they are just as responsible as this dimwit. They own it, lock, stock and barrel. It is by their actions that you shall know them, their words shrink to insignificance when judging the character of such individuals. To even concede good intentions to them is complicity. Doing so advances their agenda and they know that and that is why they demand that they not be judged by their actions, but that one accept their convoluted and totally unsupported justification as having any connection to reality.

    Anyone who doesn’t actively reject transparent and naked wickedness and evil is complicit. No one can at this point claim ignorance, willful ignorance not only does nothing to mitigate responsibility. If anything, it is evidence of even greater guilt.

  2. News Flash (from the future): In an apparent murder/suicide, teen blows father’s brains out with shotgun before turning the gun on self. Authorities at a loss for a motive.

  3. I liked it better when diseased attention whores carried those tiny dogs around in little purses. How their sickness has morphed into ruining the lives of children disgusts me beyond words.

  4. This can be easily fixed with a .40 but authorities seem to get upset about that as well.

    That gay sick f*** will burn in hell at some point. I hope that little boy ends up ok before his life is ruined.

  5. I foresee a day when these kids emerge from the lies they have been fed.
    The fallout will be astronomical.
    If they don’t self eliminate, I predict a hell of an increase in kids offing their “parent(s)”.


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