Anyone Else Getting Fake News in the Mail? – IOTW Report

Anyone Else Getting Fake News in the Mail?

Yesterday in the mail, we received a faux newspaper titled “The Wisconsin Independent.” There was no indication of the publisher except a return address in D.C. for the “American Independent Foundation.”

The publication does have a website that will give you a sampling of their propaganda. Again, no indication of the publisher. Here

A quick search of the name on the return address and voilà, David Brock (i.e. Media Matters). Here

I’m wondering if anyone else in a battle ground state has received something similar, for example “The Michigan Independent” or “The Arizona Independent.”

Not that I’m not grateful for some starter paper for the wood burner this morning.

14 Comments on Anyone Else Getting Fake News in the Mail?

  1. I used to get 3-4 flyers a week for Desantis. About a month ago, zilch. Now it’s 3-4 flyers a week for Haley. All went immediately to the trash.

    I live in SC and would love to see Haley and Graham fully “retired”.

  2. Yes, I down loaded this app, Newbreaks. Originally pretty cool. They covered all local polices scanners and county emergency response channels and reported WTF right to your cell phone. A very cool thing. Not anymore. They’re 24-7 CNN and MSNBC, etc. Since then I’ve attempted to delete that app off my phone at least five times. After a week or two it re appears. It’s like evil or something.

  3. Expect more of this, and toward the election they’ll trot out all kinds of “comedians” again who will be scheduled nightly on all the compromised networks (think Samantha Bee and Trevor Noah clones). Hell maybe they will do it prime time.

    Guess I’ll have to turn the media off and get outside more.

  4. In the last week or so, we found a blue plastic bag at the end of the driveway, and figured it was a phone book or an ad packet. Turns out it was the local paper. We don’t subscribe. It’s a Gannett rag with exceptionally leftist local reporting and opinions. Hubby, the eternal optimist, said, “Maybe it’s their annual conservative edition and the give it away to fool people into subscribing.” It wasn’t.

    BTW We’re in Virginia and have been getting YUGE Nikki postcards in the mail lately, in advance of Super Tuesday. They’re wasting their money. We have an open primary so I’m voting for Marianne Williamson.

  5. Bird cage liner
    Wasn’t there a TV show many years ago about a newspaper and the end of the opening credits showed somebody putting the newspaper in a bird cage? I can’t remember the show.

  6. I remember reading a few years ago that small local papers were targeted for takeover by leftists as the big newspapers were losing money and influence. And indeed that has been my anecdotal experience with the small local rag they toss in the driveway for free: no more names in the police blotter, city news presented with a liberal slant, advocacy for muslim-rin charter schools, liberal editorials by the editor etc.

    But when I search online to see if I can confirm my experience, I get this from the NYT:

    “A fast-growing network of nearly 1,300 websites is filling a void left by vanishing local newspapers across the country. But many of their stories are ordered up by conservative political groups and corporate P.R. firms…”

    …and this from the notorious Newsguard:

    “As local newspapers across the country continue to shutter, so-called “pink slime” sites — websites funded by partisan groups posing as local news outlets — have rushed to fill the void. As of November 2022, NewsGuard has identified 1,202 “pink slime” outlets across the country…A vast majority of “pink slime” sites are operated by the right-leaning Metric Media group, a network of 1,079 locally branded websites across the U.S.”

    …and this from the Columbia Journalism Review:

    “It is part of a deeper shift in US media, where more than two thousand local newspapers have vanished since 2004. Some of the vacuum has been filled by partisan, digital-first journalism like [right-wing]Texas Scorecard.”

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to start a research paper, but when the leftist are moaning about a right-wing takeover of local news, you can be almost certain that they are projecting, and the opposite takeover is happening.

    And Zonga is on to something here. Only older people still read the printed word…and vote in large numbers. Scum like Brock, and the leftists who run newspapers, know this, and we are being targeted with their propaganda in the print media. If they can’t get to us online, they will get to us in our mailboxes and driveways.

  7. Truckbuddy, funny you should mention that. I hear “clown nose on/clown nose off” Jon Stewart is coming back to The Daily Show for one night a week during this election season.

  8. I’d say 99% of the mail I get is fake. 99% of it gets tossed without opening. It makes it easy for me because I don’t have a mailbox at my house. I guess I tossed a couple of rebate checks worth a total of $1.50. My name keeps showing up on unclaimed money. I’m not up to jumping through hoops to get it.


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