Anyone Have Any Unique Phobias? – IOTW Report

Anyone Have Any Unique Phobias?

Today I learned that Dr. Jay and Miss Diana have a shared phobia. (I’ll let them disclose what it is if they choose to.)

Dr. Jay sent in this article that profiles some peculiar ones.

arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth and choking you to death

coulrophobia – fear of clowns

emetophobia – fear of vomiting

jangelaphobia – the fear of jelly

pnigophobia – the fear of being smothered

quadrophobia – the fear of things coming in fours

urophobia – the fear of urinating

What’s your phobia?




75 Comments on Anyone Have Any Unique Phobias?

  1. Progressophobia…..the fear that no matter how hard you strive, some asshole will find a way to steal the fruits of your efforts and give it to someone else through unconstitutional legislation.

  2. Just the same one I’ve had since the early days of IOTW…when we started to compile a dictionary.

    ALGOREaphobia: The fear of being stuck in a conversation with some asshole that believes in GLOBAL WARMING or what they now call MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE.

  3. I thought Tyrannophobia was the irrational fear of those people who are born with those stubby little dinosaur arms due to fetal alcohol syndrome.

    No wait, that is Tyrannosauraphobia.

    Not to be confused with Tyrannosoreassaphobia.

  4. Colonoscopyphobia for obvious reasons

    Giant effing hairy ugly horrible wolf’s head spiders. Snakes don’t bother me but freaking hairy spiders…kill ’em all. There was this monstrous one in the basement. I dropped a 25 pound bag of cat litter on it and all that was left was lime green ooze.

    An intense fear of being left alone with Mr. Pinko especially in a broken down car with only melon to eat.

  5. I’ll share: Both Diana & I suffer from “misophobia” – the fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs. We carry a container of alchol-soked wipes with us at all times, bag our own groceries (for fear the store bagger has some sort of decease), Diana wipes all items we’ve brought into our home with bleach – shaking hands with anyone is the most difficult activity either of us can experience – sleeping a hotel can make us psychotic, etc., etc. And yes, since BFH asked, Diana guards her mic like a pit bull.

  6. I do some of that myself, but it’s not really a fear as much as it is an awareness. I had immune system problems years back and had to start carrying around alcohol wipes. I still look for the cleanest part of a door handle – which is usually the very bottom where all the paint is still intact – and just grab it with one finger. Always use the wipes when I get back in my truck. Same with hand shakes. And I don’t grab the handle of a shopping cart, always the metal rail where people don’t usually touch it.

    I did the bleach thing with my groceries a while back when the checkout girl sneezed in her hands and then touched everything that I purchased. That’s not a fear with me, just a desire to stay healthy. Suppose it could be called a fear, though.

  7. Fear of leaving my kids and grandkids without enough firepower, ammo, emergency food supply, and survival instruction when I go to that cabin in Gloryland. A fear that some of them might not have the same desire to fight the enemy that I have. And not understanding why things are that way with some of them – after all the talks we have had on the subject.

    I imagine that’s a pretty common fear these days, not so unique.

  8. I definitely have coulrophobia, clowns are the worst.

    I used to have jangelaphobia after I mistook jelly as being jello at summer camp. It took some time but I can once again spread jelly on something toasted and eat it without feeling like I need to puke.

    Other than that, I do have a fear of things breaking down. I don’t know what that is called, but I will rebuild something whether it needs it or not if I think it might break down on me.

  9. Interesting segue, my wife works in an ER, she says that everyone has a specific medical ailment that they just can’t deal with. For some it is penetrating eye injury, for others its the grinding sound of setting broken bones. Interesting g that they all have one specific thing that they need to hand-off to someone else.

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