Anyone Know a Murder Victim? I Do, Now – IOTW Report

Anyone Know a Murder Victim? I Do, Now

If anyone lives in or around Portland, OR there’s going to be a press conference later today on this tragedy from local authorities. We got the news this morning that one of our condo owners had died and a suspect was in custody. The latest update was that the murderer was a farm hand on the victim’s property. I had just send him last week, enjoying his cabin here that he had only just finished rehabbing a couple of years a go.

A decent man who didn’t deserve this fate.

I’d post a link but the internet hasn’t caught up to the story yet.

I’ve known people in my H.S. class who’ve died young; a couple of car crashes, a diving accident and more recently some succumbing to cancer. All my grandparents are dead and most of my aunts and uncles. This is the first time I know someone who’s been murdered. It’s a terrible shock.

42 Comments on Anyone Know a Murder Victim? I Do, Now

  1. A neighbor of mine was murdered by her husband, a friend was murdered by an acquaintance, my cousin was murdered by his brother, one of my riding instructors murdered someone, a coworker murdered someone. Two friends committed suicide(separate incidents). I was recently thinking about all of them and thought it was very odd to have so many of these incidents in my life.

  2. I was in 11th grade, a girl in the 12th grade in my high school was rape and murdered. I think about her now and then. they found her murderer through DNA 30 years later. He died in jail before they could convict him of those charges.

  3. I don’t know anyone who was murdered. I did meet a young boy who went from man to man at a funeral asking if he was his father.

    He ended up being a murderer.

    In retrospect I probably should have taken him from his terrible mother. But I don’t know.

    These poor kids are lost and the choices for fatherless children….unwanted children…are bleak.

  4. Knew a couple growing up who used to lived nextdoor to us, their daughter would sometimes babysit my brother and I.
    Fifty year’s later their grandson and two of his friends stabbed both of them to death because they wouldn’t give the grandson money.

    Needless to say we we’re shocked, sometimes you just can’t comprehend what goes through a lunatics mind. 🤔

  5. Unfortunately yes both the murdered and the murders.
    All over drugs coke and pot.
    Same city Portland. One of the killers was the brother in law of my best friend I knew them all. They threw his body in a dumpster after they killed him all over less than $20,000 .
    The killers got off serving less then 5 years.
    They played the I am a christian now in court,holy water and the bible
    were played up every day.
    We all new it was a sham by his lawyer, but it worked.
    So sorry for your loss Dr. Tar

  6. Well, kind of. I know someone who was killed without deserving it, and I know the killer. Very well.

    Technically not murder since they declared the killer temporarily insane.

    I found that to be a good enough reason to break up with her anyway.

  7. I currently can’t recall a murder.
    I do know 2 who committed suicide after Child abuse by Priest, which for me makes it slightly worse.

    Sorry about your friend Doc.

  8. Conservative Cowgirl JULY 10, 2022 AT 6:20 PM

    “I was recently thinking about all of them and thought it was very odd to have so many of these incidents in my life.”

    I was thinking that as I was reading your post.

    Wonder if God has a message for you in it.


  10. Actually two for me, now that I think about it.

    The ex had a secret abortion during our marriage.

    That’s the #4 child I never laid eyes on and didn’t know existed until later.

  11. Not a murder, but my best friend committed suicide when we were 20 and in college. Nobody knew he was headed in that direction. He was very intelligent, a hard worker, seemed stable and well liked by many people.

  12. On my last active duty assignment at Andrews AFB, a CMSgt in my office was murdered when he was moonlighting at a 7-11. He was only around 38 and had a wife and several young children. We wer kidding him about getting combat pay. Murdered for about a $100 robbery. He ad fasttracked to E9, being only at around 20 years.

  13. A 23 year old convicted felon named Messiah {go figure}
    shot my best friend Greg Sharrett who owned the Bayou Bistro in Bayou Vista Texas, while he was driving down the road. I am still in shock…

  14. I wonder how well the vaccine pushers will handle it when some day they look back and see the actual pain they sold along with their souls. But many of them lack a conscience so they have no feeling.

  15. Two people. The first was a young airman, my age. He’d just returned to base after nearly a year of therapy for getting busted up in a horrific car crash that nearly took his life. Within a week of returning he went off base with his friends. Someone outside their group started a fight with one of them and the guy took off after him. The outsider stabbed him to death. It’s surreal when someone about your age dies so violently.

    The second person was a young woman who worked after school (university) at the design store where my husband worked. She vacuumed and dusted and kept the place looking nice. We hired her to help clean out our dump of a house when we purchased it. About two months afterward, we learned that she’d been strangled in her bed by a fiend. The case has never been solved. I think it was someone she knew at the school. I still have pictures of her helping us clean. She was so young, happy and, again, about my own age.

    What is concerning in our present society is the utter randomness of violent acts that lead to death. You used to be able to control or at least have heightened awareness about sketchy people or situations. It doesn’t feel that way anymore. Still, I refuse to live in fear. God knows the number of my days.

  16. My aunt’s second husband committed murder/suicide on his second wife. My poor cousin found the bodies on Thanksgiving in 2019 after they had trouble contacting the couple.
    More than 25 years ago, brother’s in-laws had a family member stabbed outside of a bar after a fight. He was a total innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time. His mother and sisters bear his loss to this day.
    Very sad to hear of all the violent and senseless losses. May God bring comfort to all of those affected, and may He bring justice to the perpetrators.

  17. AL
    I’ve had a “hard on” for the usaf FOR 52 YEARS! In May ’67 1/5 wasfighting a reg/Div of ChiCom. we called in “air support”. The ChiCom wear Feld Grau, we “Olive Drab”. it is clear at 5,000 yards who are ChiCom and who are jarheads! But the Chicken Shit USAF is 10000 yards up SO THEY WILL NEVER BE HURT! And they saw no uniform diff. So they bombed us! i lost 2 good men to USAF! Yellow belly sons of whores!
    I will never “forgive and forget”! NEVER

  18. In high school my girlfriend’s best friend, Cathy, was kidnapped from a market she was working at an beaten with a hammer and thrown into the Mississinewa River.
    Many years later a nice lady I knew opened a pizza place near Green Bank WV. She was murdered by her ex husband and thrown into a well at Stony Bottom.

  19. Condolences to you, Dr. Tar. Murder is different than natural death, which is hard enough to grieve. It is against the natural order of things, something that feels like it could have been prevented, and therefore harder to accept.

    Yes, I’ve known three murder victims. Can’t even talk about the first one because I had to park that away in order to get on with life (but never getting over it). The second was a co-worker 30-some years ago, strangled in her apartment and the case never solved. The third was my brother, this year, murdered by the ‘standard of care’ during covid, as random and brutal as the first two.

    I think there are going to be a lot more of us survivors of the murderous results of political policies (public health, immigration, economic, etc.) and I hope you and we recognize them as the crimes they are and take note of the premeditation of the perpetrators behind them.

  20. I know 2 or 5 depending on definition of murdered. I had cousin Murdered in NYC and a co-worker in Corrections that was shot. I Had an aunt that was likely murdered but was ruled an accident (long story) I knew a firemen killed in 9-11 and one acquaintance (daughter’s boss) who died hours after receiving the clot shot.

  21. Tragically, younger brother with Covid was murdered in a hospital east of Phoenix. Doctors intentionally withheld life saving drugs. Topped it all off with Remdesivir.

  22. Unfortunately, I know someone who was murdered, our mortgage broker. We had been in his office weeks prior. We talked about the best art schools for his daughter to apply at. In all the years we knew him he never mentioned that he had a son.His son murdered him. He went to the Pullman WA area to help his son move back home. He beat him with a large pot and broke his neck. I can only assume the son was mentally unstable and/or on drugs. He got 244 months in prison.

    I often think how his death affected his daughter that we talked about.

  23. My first wife murdered our first child in a San Francisco abortion clinic just months after Roe vs Wade in 1973. I didn’t find out for years. The evidence was ironclad when it surfaced. She lied about it then and has never admitted it. I’ll never know until I go to heaven whether it was the daughter I always wanted. I had four sons after that. I sat next to a woman flying back from the UK in January of 1976 that told me she was pregnant with her fifth child. I had just found out I was going to be a father, too. Later that same year, she shared a room at the USAF hospital on Offutt AFB with my wife. Both children were born on the same day. A year later, she murdered four of her children before killing herself, including the one born the day my first son was born. One of her kids survived. Also, I graduated from high school with a girl whose son and his friend killed her and her husband back in the late 80’s.

  24. My friend Jesse Goldstein, was picking up a few things the night before thanksgiving and was shot to death by a hold up artist robbing the register. The killer was never caught. Jesse would be 73 tomorrow.

  25. I knew a crippled guy beaten to death on the grounds of the Supreme Court during a mugging – Capitol Police heard nothing.
    I knew another guy, who worked in one of the House photo studios, shot and killed at a stop light in DC – no discernable motive.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  26. Two, one of my friend’s daughters was senselessly murdered and her body burned in a fire to cover up the murder by a creep in 2008 when she was only 18. My friends are both Christians who had 6 kids and were able to forgive this creep, but they lost one child and have never been the same since her murder. And one of our young ladies at church in the mid 90’s was murdered by a couple of jerks one night after a conference meeting when she went out to her car after the meeting, they kidnapped her and took her to a secluded area and killed her for no reason. But she was able to witness to them before she died, I don’t know if that made a difference but a lot of people in my church were able to forgive these 2 young punks who are still in prison for the rest of their lives. And I’ve known far too many people both young and old who have committed suicide. I’ve gone thru a lot of things in my life but the murder of any of my family or friends would be the worst thing that could happen. I honestly don’t know if I could forgive someone who did this.


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