Anyone Recognize This Dude? – IOTW Report

Anyone Recognize This Dude?

Flock of Bowie-

18 Comments on Anyone Recognize This Dude?

  1. I think it’s the fag from Moron
    Moron. Or was it Duran Duran.

    A totally forgettable music genre from a forgettable period.

    But if that was you, BFH, I retract the above. You were just going through a stage.

  2. I’d say he can’t decide if he’s more influenced by Bowie or Bono. I’d have never guessed Gervais.

    Interesting choice to forgo a recognizable chorus. I guess they figured they had nothing more to lose.

  3. Even odder than the singer is… That’s a very young crowd, no? And, I think that belt was recycled 30 years later by Michelle as the infamous boob belt.

    I forgive anyone for anything in the 80’s. We were all recovering from disco so new wave was an improvement.


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