Anyone Wanna Talk? – IOTW Report

Anyone Wanna Talk?

It’s time for a reader interview.

Just email me and let me know what you want to talk about. Leave your number and I will call.

Any topic is fine.


50 Comments on Anyone Wanna Talk?

  1. No single topic in my arsenal. It would be like a scene from MTV with a new camera angle every 1.5 seconds. Enough to make you dizzy. I’d love to chat though 😉

  2. Thank you for the offer. Would rather do a sidewalk cafe where feet up, arms behind the head, and good cigars are the order of the day. What we really need is an iOTW shindig.


  3. Are you feeling a little lonely, Fur? I mean, I can understand that. Most of my family is out of state, and I haven’t made any friends since my tweens… /sigh

  4. I’d want to be sober for this. That ain’t happening tonight, amigo.

    But soon, I’d like that. We could talk about how communities coalesce in the ether of the innerwebs, as opposed to how they used to rely on physical proximity.

    Or knitting.

    Maybe the ever increasing size of celebrity asses that seems to be the jizz… uh, gist of TMZ.

    Perhaps why we jerk our self’s off that we have any input into national politics what so ever.

    Just kidding about the knitting, I know jack shit about that.

  5. I will talk, just give me a day or two, it is Holy Week.
    Trump or the World, Your draw. Just give me a heads up 9:00 am your time is 12:00 Pm my time.
    Or you could call Brad or Moe Tom at 12:00PM there time.

  6. I don’t know how to email, and is Mr. Hat that lazy that he can’t even read his own blog posts.
    Oh well, as Mayor of a city all I have time to talk about is my missing mole.

  7. From Geoff:” I don’t know how to email, and is Mr. Hat that lazy that he can’t even read his own blog posts.”

    Nope. Just put your cell phone number in your post and ask him to call.

  8. For any of us to have a chat with Big Fur is like the preacher chit chatting with the choir….the only thing to gain is some insignificant trivia since our main interests are already known.

  9. Jellybean: Good point. But we could talk about MY HOLE IN ONE. I think BFH had one or two. He’s a hell of a golfer you know. But not as good as Kim Jung Un, or Ill, or whateverthefuckhisnameis, the King Tut of North Korea. That kid had thirty five (35) holes in one after paying just thirty six (36) holes. As reported in the North Korean Tribune a few years ago. The NKT is like our NYT or WAPO, or CNN, their motto is “All the News That Fits.” also “Fair and Balanced.” Or yet, “Would We Lie”?
    So the bottom line is we would have a lot to talk about but I like what KMM said, an IOTW shindig. That’s something to dream about.
    I’m sorta shitfaced, so I’mgonnabed.gnite.

  10. Late to the game. What’d I miss? Has he called anyone yet? Are they hot? What’s their favorite?
    Well, sorry I missed it. I just stopped through real quick to see what everyone was talking about, now I have to go to sleep. Goodnight all (turns off iPad & light then rolls over).

  11. I am boring, work all the time, travel nowhere interesting, have no friends, drink too much, and am an opinionated blowhard that listens to no one. But would love to listen to an interview w one of the others, please link afterward.

  12. Would love to talk, Sir Fur, but I’m in the middle of spring cleaning, have a mountain of dirty laundry, have to wash my hair, and the dog ate my homework!

    (Sorry about that last one…I live in a ‘no pets’ building, but it just seemed to fit).

  13. Bunnies!
    Man, I cud tok ab0out bunnies all nitght!
    Red bunnies.
    blue Bunny’s.
    Pink bunnies,
    greem bunnieys/

    Ohg weight!
    How bout squirreld?
    Red-taled skwirls, bule tales skwerls , ahhh they’re os pretty !

  14. I could talk about all the changes to TV in this country the FCC just announced. And another one they haven’t announced yet.
    I’m gonna be busy with this crap.
    But you’ll get more cell phone providers when it’s finished.

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